I think it's awesome they wanted to invest and that you oversaw this for them. With your mom planning to hold for 10 plus years I truly feel she's approaching this with the right mindset and wish her nothing but success. Your guidance along the way will be invaluable as your knowledge in this space is excellent.
I understand completely why you prefer convenience and reliability over saving a few bucks by going the exchange route. I've done both and now I hold the same view point. I much prefer peace of mind versus any amount of risk at this point in my life. I'm not familiar with bitonic.nl, but I'll check it out. In the US I use coinbase and then blocktrades. The price and fees are higher than going through an exchange, but the peace of mind I feel outweighs the extra cost.
One thing about Dtube that I truly love is it's so much easier to introduce people to the Steem block chain. The response so far has been great and it's exciting to see people get excited about it. :) Have a great weekend brother and best wishes of success to your mom and her husband. BTW, good luck tonight watching baby Sam! :)
O man! You remembered he is sleeping over! Wow! He is sleeping at the moment. I'm home alone. It's easier than I thought so far!