Importance Of Grandparents *-*

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How important are our grandparents?

First of all HELLO dear friends Stemitianos and Stemitianas, today touches a quite strong and sentimental subject for me because I no longer have physically my two grandparents, those that really consented me until more can not, those that in more than one opportunity they saved me from severe scolding for things I did wrong, those that more than my grandparents were my friends, guides and counselors in absolutely everything, those for whom I was the apple of their eyes - But well I still have my grandmothers I also love them very much even though our ties are not so strong.

This picture is with my maternal grandfather and was taken 5 or 6 years ago on my dad's birthday, it's a bit moved but for me it has a value outside the monetary scope

Grandparents play a very important role in the lives of their grandchildren, because they are already experienced people in the things of life have the ability to convey through their stories or experiences, many knowledge and especially values ​​that are the root of many of the circumstances that we go through throughout our lives.

They have the wonderful vocation to be our confidants at all times, because because they skip a generation between them, they are allowed to put a very high degree of respect and confidentiality, and this happens even when they are teenagers because they give each of them our problems a minor value showing us through time that everything has been totally transitive and that we should not mortify ourselves so much.

Also thanks to the years they have lived and all they have been able to see and know, they are the ones that maintain the family ties and therefore those that very likely present us to those, uncles (a) or cousins ​​(a) of the second , third, fourth and even the fifth generation.

And could not miss the most important feature and so we really make such strong ties with them and is that they are the ones who take care of us when this mom is not there or when this dad is not, is that there is no one better or more confident to take care of us than they and others say that they do it with all the love and affection of the world. And is that it is not secret to anyone that of ¡PARENTS RAISE AND GRANDPARENTS SPOIL! =D hahahahaha stay with the grandparents often means fun, games, laughter and many other things. And when we go on vacation, going to the grandparents' house is the best because it means that the late breakfasts arrived, but very tasty, and I say late because we know the time when we started playing but not the time when we finished and started Get up late, it also means that the ice creams and the small pleasures arrived that later become the best and most beautiful memories.

What if! I remember everything as if it had been yesterday, that's why I tell you today that if you have the joy of having your grandparents (a) alive, make the most of the moments together and turn those little moments into great memories or anecdotes and then tell them to our children or why not? to our grandchildren.

I hope this post will remind you a little of how beautiful your childhood was with your grandparents to those who have already lost them and to those who still have them alive who make the most of them, they are a gift from God for us. Without more to add I say goodbye. I await your votes and comments. Kisses.


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Los abuelos son la mata de la sabiduría, ellos los mejores maestros.