I confess I cut the line one of these days and my bf screamed out loud "congrats, baby, way to go, integration!".
Aaaaahahahahaha we just can't stop laughing imagining this hilarious scene.
I often call Jesus Christ out loud in the escalator.
Right? How can a society function if they can't organize themselves?! On that note, I highly recommend you NEVER go to China. You will rip the hair out of your head :)
Thanks for the laugh Bianca. I love this straightforward and comical writing style.
Hahaha you guys are the best, I wasn't sure if people would get my text, but I am happy with the feedback haha glad you could laugh with me!
The differences are definetely what makes it more exciting, can you imagining moving to a country that is exactly like yours. They also leave me speechless posivetly. I love this country :) @abh12345
I felt so guilty for doing that, but he had a huge smile like if I was a kid biking for the first time haha
And I don't get why they don't organize themselves, they are so chill about it.
Thank you both!