Who is going to win?!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The CO2 emissions are reaching an incredible levels these day. A recent study showed that despite all the effort made by the heavy industries manufacturers, still the uprising contamination of CO2 is threatening our societies!

The next climate change summit will reveal a lot of worrying facts regarding the levels of contamination our planet has reached!


to be completely honest, there are many natural sources of CO2 emissions around the globe. In recent years the largest contributors to increased CO2 emissions are active volcanoes. these natural smokestacks put out as much CO2 in a day than all of the vehicles in the states in a year... i cannot support such "global warming" or other hippie tree hugger nonsense until it incorporates all of the natural sources for CO2 emissions. until they do so and can show the exact percent of increase is "manmade" i cannot support such half baked climate studies. Until then i can agree the world is indeed warming, as we are still comming out of the maximus of an ice age, i believe it is a natural phenomenon that happens every 25-30k years.... perhaps those scientists who compile the data to support that global warming is a "manmade" event, should actually include ALL the data which includes all natural sources of CO2 emissions if they want their studies to be taken seriously...

The Climate Change Religion ( Founded by the Reverend Al Gore) relies on simplistic computer modelling.
Every weather event is claimed to be the biggest since records began (which is not very long).
There you have it! Confirmation bias.
For a less hysterical take on this I can recommend https://www.amazon.com/Climate-Counter-Consensus-Palaeoclimatologist-Speaks-Independent/dp/1906768293

Yes, it would be nice if we stopped burning fossil fuels but in the real world people will carry on being profligate in their use of energy and whilst there is money to be made from oil and coal it is unlikely that those fuels are going to be left in the ground.