How to make money fast

in #life7 years ago


My accountant once told me that on the books money can only come from two places, winnings or earnings !!

There are honest and dishonest ways to make money and there are various levels of risk involved, for instance of you buy something for 5 bucks and sell it for 10 bucks, you have earned 5 bucks. That is an earning, If you bought say shares on the stock market and your share value increased that could be considered a winning or an earning. Then if you hit the lottery of course that would be a winning but when you invest that money the interest would be an earning.

If you were a criminal and stole money then that would be a source of income but the money is not yours anyway and well as we all know there would be severe consequences.

So in reality, to earn or win money it has to have come from somewhere and no organisation or person hands it out. To win money, someone has to have lost that amount or more.

Then back to making money fast, there is no such thing!, you have to earn it, be creative and do something to create an income, the real trick is to persevere and be better at what you are doing than the next person, become the best at what you are doing and never give up.