Tacos for Christmas eh, that does sound lovely. We usually just have spaghetti, ham, and spring rolls. But Tacos would spice things up a bit. Add a bit more choices to the meal.
Your friend's wife is a funny drunk. Those are the types you can put jokes out and it just goes over their head. But I am more impressed by how you guys drank. You downed your drink, shot a tequila, then the brandy, then still had a glass of rum. I'm not a strong drinker, and I think I'll be tipsy just from that sequence haha.
I like me a bit of spaghetti, that would have been a good xmas dinner.
She is a crazy drunk, she often gets quite belligerent but thankfully this time just got sleepy.
We are a bunch of silly drinkers. I like to blame my friend for leading me astray but I think I might be as bad as him and allow myself to be led quite easily!