My second day with the twisted ankle...
Although it's a little less swollen today, it hurts twice as much.
basically anything that touches my foot puts me in agonizing pain.
Walking up right with my 2 on the ground seems definitely like a life time ago from this perspective.
Luckily I managed to borrow a cane, which helped immensely!
You can probably notice that the bottom of it is not factory made.
This is due to this cane losing the rubber bottom part somewhere earlier on it's journey,
so I did what I had to do... Improvise!
I put a plastic bottle cap and gorilla-glued a piece of a tennis ball on top of it, for improved handling and traction!
I must admit,I'm stiIl learning how to and catching my grip,
thought walking with one of these would be muuuch easier!
As they say, easier said then done.
As you could have guessed the above is a comparison of my two feet, on the left the twisted and on the right the normal one.
The ankle still double the size.
I have to say it's not nice not being able to use the nice sunny weather.
Hoping you all are doing better then me at the moment,
leaving you with a nice music mix as its tradition
put lots of ice on it and stay calm. i used to take Voltaren retard for this kind of pain but only one per day
ankles take a long time to heal 😔