Having set a big vision for your future, it becomes essential to set priorities aright, and then break it down into sizeable chunks and pieces known as goals. These goals should stand as measures and milestones for your successes over the coming years, and how close you're getting to your dream future. In simple terms, you need to make your goals SMART.
SMART is an acronym to help guide you in setting those goals, and I think one of the first things you want to do right before goal-setting is to ask yourself is: "What are the things I need to do to see this through?" and "How badly do I need to see this happen?" Let's look at the acronym 'SMART', and what it entails.
- S = Be Specific
Those goals of yours should be kept simple and straight to the point. Be as detailed as possible on what you're looking forward to getting, as well as when and how you want it.
- M = Be Measurable
Don't forget, one of the reasons you're doing this is to be able to know how well and how far you've gone. hence be sure those goals are easily measurable, so you will be able to determine when you've reached a goal. See it as an evidence of your success.
- A = Achievable
Also, you want to be sure that your goals are achievable and easily done within the given time-frame. What actions do you need to take in order to meet those goals? how long do you need? what resources do you have currently, and what else fo you need?
- R = Be Realistic
Your goals should be realistic as well. It has to be something that is possible, and doesn't infringe on any laws! Imagine a child setting goals such as 'being a licensed driver at 10'. Even though this skill is achievable, the specifics do not scale at all, since the law doesn't allow for the issuance of drivers' licenses to people below the age of 18. I'm sure you get the idea. Keep your legs on the ground, and your eyes in the sky.
- T = Be Timed!
Finally, time is an important factor. Without keeping to time, one could easily neglect stuff for later, and then nothing gets done. Goals are best-beaten when you're racing against time. For one, it helps retain focus and the necessity of getting things done when you can.

After pondering on these, the ideal thing is to set up a balance of long and short termed goals. It helps keep things rolling and interesting. Be careful not to be over-ambitious and set unnecessary tasks for yourself all at once. You want to do this a bit at a time. Pick out the four most important goals and write down what you need to do to achieve them. Be positive, clear and concise, tell yourself why you think you can pull it through, and why it's important that you do.
Also, think about the implications of reaching or not reaching these goals, what if you fail? what would be the outcome if you reach them? Are you willing to make sacrifices in other parts of your life?
In summary, set your priorities and goals, and then tag them up nicely! And remember that goals have to be really desirable and compelling, otherwise, you're more likely to waste your time and ultimately give up early.
Thanks for reading.
First, this is an amazing post. I likey!
Yes, when ones set goals are centered around this acronym, it terms to be easier to achieve.
But have you ever been over ambitious? Given the norms of society, such as
Do we then leave passion because of what society thinks we should be? Or do we just stop dreaming cause of the constraints placed on us by society? The fear that we can't achieve certain goals , so we just shade them off.
Miss you, Kara
So good to be reminded of and watch people practice standard success principals and tactics.
I always liked to replace "realistic" with "repeatable" as who is to say what is realistic and the repeatable habits are what build positive and sustainable change.
Right on!
Thank you so much. As always, something new to learn whenever you visit. The term Repeatable would be a bit more accommodating if we look at it from the whole ''dream big'' perspective. Afterall, back then, no one thought flight was realistic.