Opinions will vary, but I'll tell it like it is.
If anyone remembers all the way back when @vcelier and @naru-celier came down from Canada for a visit, you may recall that Vincent Celier and I took a ride with one of my neighbors to pick up a stump grinder. The machine itself is an attachment for a tractor, and the drum on it supposedly weighs about 1000 pounds.
The man that we picked it up from is lending it to us for free until a few of us around here get our stumps ground down to the dirt. The man picked it up about 11 years ago now, and still hasn't used it. Part of the reason that he never used it is that the last guy he lent it to kept it for a decade! Yeah, for 10 long years the last guy "borrowed" it. Then, right before he gave it back, he wound up running it up against a rock ledge, which trashed what was left of the teeth.
On this heavy drum, there are 60 teeth which are designed to shred the stump and reduce it to woodchips and sawdust. However, when the teeth on it are damaged, this machine will be able to accomplish a lot less work in a lot more time.
For @papa-pepper, I had a choice. Actually, the last guy to borrow it had a choice too. He even offered to buy new teeth for it... until he found out how much it would cost. I too figured out how much it would cost, and it turns out that would not be cheap.
Well, I made my choice. Sure, it was an expense out of my pocket, but so would renting a piece of equipment to get the job done. By being able to borrow one for free, I could work at my leisure too, unlike with a rental. Plus, with the amount of rock around the stumps on my land, there was a good chance of completely ruining whatever was left of the old teeth and returning the equipment in a state where it really didn't function at all.
Simply put, if someone was going to be nice enough to lend out such equipment free of charge then perhaps it would nice to bless him.
As you can see here, replacing the old teeth with these brand new carbide tipped ones was going to change the whole machine as far as stump grinding was concerned. If purchasing the new teeth wasn't hard enough, now I had to change them out too! Most were not that bad, but the tough ones were really tough!
Because of how far they had been wore down, not only was the tooth damaged, but the bolts too. Many of them had been ground down rather far.
The normal size for these bolts is T55. Although they are not tapered, some had been worn to the point that they would fit a T50 or even T47 size screw head. On the bright side, at least they unscrewed!
For others, I actually had to use a metal drill bit to make the holes so that I could fit my tool into them. Now this was an interesting bit of work. Thankfully, it did work on a lot of them.
Just look at how far gone this bolt is compared to a new one. I really should have bought more new bolts too, because the 20 I picked up did not last very long.
Once I replaced all of the ones that I could, which left about 8 unchanged, I got back to work. The machine worked much better and saved quite a bit of time. Not only did I finally finish grinding all of the stumps on my driveway and house site, I even drove the tractor down to take care of the ones that @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood had too, and then stopped by at another neighbors to start on his.
Soon, we will be done with the machine and it'll be time for it to head back to its owner. This time, it'll be returned in better condition. Sure, it may have cost me hundreds of dollars to do it, but I think that it was the right thing to do, and a good choice on my part since I had the opportunity. What do you think?
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Until next time…
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Way to go! Nice to see someone go above and beyond in doing the right thing.
In the end I think it'll bless us all! Thanks.
Yes, very good 'investment' for you.
Great idea, I was always taught to return something in the same, if not better condition when possible, from something that I borrow. Way to set a positive example bro.
Thanks, you know that we have to represent!
You're welcome bro. Every day of our lives indeed.
No question you did the 'right' thing as a consequence of your character and internal compass, guiding your choices towards the Golden Rule.
Another person could convincingly argue that not putting the money, time, and effort in that you did would also be the right decision, and they would not be wrong.
That person would not inspire goodwill around the community, the leadership to make something better for the benefit of all, or inspire the hope that we're all here to make each other's lives happier by taking care of one another.
A trusted leader makes the kind of decision that you made, and you pursued your objective despite the roadblocks of the stripped bolts, damaged teeth, and considerable expense of money and time.
May you inspire others by your actions.
Thoughts become actions.
Actions become habits.
Habits become character.
Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher
Wow, nicely said and good points. Also, thanks for the compliment!
I think you did the right thing. You could use that machine for free for many years. Now bring it back in a good state and repair it a bit.
You just showed that you care! I like people who care.
Thanks J
Thank for the comment J!
T series is something different, european cars uses them.
i don't know anything about this stuffs but your post made me read it until the end though it's not part of my interest. you inspires me everyday @papa-pepper lol
@papa-pepper inspires a lot of people and i think he should get an award for that
LOL - Just being here is reward enough, and being able to read comments like yours!
thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..
Nice gif man
Good choice
Great post @papa-pepper. heavy equipment is very heavy. Good luck your job papa
@papa-pepper, you did the right thing! :)
Heavy equipment always has a heavy price tag and the costs of replacing or fixing can be heavy too!
The guy that "borrowed" and kept it for ten years would have had other thoughts if he was billed per time for the period he "needed and leased" it.
If you have to give someone a heavy equipment even for free, make sure he know the value and cost of leasiing same if he were to pay for it. It does two things:
Good points! Thank you.
You did precisely the right thing. Good neighbors are hard to come by and one should always do their best to keep that relationship strong.
I agree, make friends with the neighbors and keep them as friends!
😂😂😂😂😂 OMG, the guy borrowed it for 10 years, mehn that's a record as the longest tym spent lending a property. we need to alert Guinness book of record publishers. Tanx nice post
LOL = alert Guiness!
Excellent, practical example of how we should all treat each other mate! Good for you buddy! Leading by example!
You did right all the way around. You would have had to rent one anyway , like you said. Grinding at your own time frame another large factor. Plus you are in solid with the owner of the grinder.
:) write to Guiness!
Absolutely buddy.
It's common decency. Years ago I was an engineer and it used to really annoy me when people wanted to borrow tools or power tools and then you had to ask for them back. Feeling bad for asking someone to return what's yours is not nice. And to return it in worse shape is just plain wrong.
You're a class act for doing the right thing and returning it in better shape.
Before you give it back, be sure to make a video and show it to us! It'd be awesome to see that thing in action! 😯
This is the type of thing that makes for strong community. Good work!
The world needs a few more people that live by good old fashioned values. It's unfortunate that I have to refer to them as "old fashioned", but it seems like that is the society that we are living in. You're A-OKAY in my book, @pappa-pepper!
Since the day I came to know about you, you are always doing the right thing mate! You are someone who does everything possible to bring a smile on someone else face, you are a real hero!
The real hero!
thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..
I was always taught that if you borrow something, return it in better condition than when you received it.
Even if you forget the material cost, the labor you put into removing the old teeth was fantastic.
Your neighbours should be proud to have you down the road.
Just what my little boy learned in Cub Scouts last week "always return something better than when you received it" (of course this goes along with leaving an area better than when you arrived), but all the same and I think you have a great neighbor and friend for loaning you the equipment and you have proved to be the same great neighbor and friend (and boy scout) for returning it in the condition you have chosen to do. Awesome post.....as usual!! :)
Great job buddy. If only we all wirked this way. I alway return in better shape. I might want to borrow again. Like always great blog and when you coming up lol?
A lot of the time, the right thing doesn't equate to cost efficient. I'm so proud of you and so is the guy you borrowed it from. He'll go out of his way to help you again, knowing that you truly appreciate him.
A dime worth of care can produce a dollars worth of good will.
Way to go! I wish people I loaned equipment to would be as respectful.
Maybe I'll have to borrow something from you sometime then. Oklahoma?
North of Stillwater.
About 2 hours from Joplin via Tulsa
Absolutely the right thing to do. The guy who loaned is going to be thrilled, along with all of the other folks who benefitted.
Well played, @papa-pepper!
Hey, @papa-pepper! You did do the right thing. I would have done the same. Nt only are you returning a piece of fairly expensive equipment in better shape (a nice gesture the person you borrowed from) you also helped some of your neighbours. This is building up goodwill and community which is important on the homestead. And word will spread, it always does in small communities that you are trustworthy to lend equipment to in the future. This is a good lesson for all of us. Resteemed...
You are a good neighbor and yes you did the the right thing. Lead by example and never follow the crowd. Sure wish I had a few neighbors like you!
In my book, you did the right thing... I was raised with the "value" that if you borrow something, you return it in "equal or better" condition compared to how you receive it. And when it comes to piece of equipment, sometimes that means making improvements to get it to a point where it works in a way that won't frustrate YOU.
Granted it's a much smaller deal, but I've replaced a couple of chains on borrowed chain saws... it's just the right thing to do.
That's the same concept, great job. I agree!
it is awesome to see people with conscience nowadays...most people are just up for what they can gain...well not like you wont gain anything but at least you thought of the other person
I bet it worked like a champ after you put those new teeth on there!
It did! Much better!
A great example high human virtue. Showing integrity and thoughtfulness is the best choice!
Your attitude is stellar @papa-pepper.
Good show of gratitude and human decency. You will be blessed for even being thoughtful enough to consider this. You will probably even recoup some funds with this post. My upvote is only worth a penny though. lol
Now that's just being a good neighbor, returning a tool in as good shape or better than when you borrowed it is the golden rule in action! Props to you @papa-pepper!!
No question you did the right thing. The former borrower should have offered to share the cost with you. It feels good to return something you borrowed in better shape and its a great thank you to the owner. Changing the teeth also increased your knowledge of the stump grinder. If you ever need to buy, rent, borrow one again you will know what to look for on the teeth and also how to operate without causing damage. Your money was well spent!
Good job @papa-pepper. I take very good care of my things, so when I need to borrow something it's a policy of mine to return it in better condition that I borrowed it, even if it's just simply cleaning it or returning it with a full fuel tank. If we all act like this we could live with a better sense of community with those around us and live a less wasteful lifestyle.
For a simple example, why does every house on a cul-de-sac need to own a lawnmower, snowblower, 21' ladder, etc?
When you've got a job to get done like this that requires special equipment it's such a blessing when that person who owns the specific (expensive) tool is willing to let you use it. Return the favor however you can.
You done right ;)
I think you did the right thing.
always leave a campground in better shape than you found it.
always return a (borrowed or rented) machine is as good or better shape than you got it.
Best thing you could have done - it's how we do it as well and one truth I know is "what goes around comes around" :-) Cheers from the seven mountains in Germany
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what is that saying I've often heard "no good deed goes unpunished".. the previous borrower punished the lender for his kindness.... so, I'm really glad to see you set it right by fixing the machine up so the lender can use it again if he wishes.
You did a lovely thing well done, you should be proud of yourself :)
Nice @papa-pepper it has blessed you by making your work easier it also will bless the owner for having it returned to him in better shape than you got it.
Nice photos! Those carbide tipped teeth your replacing aught to do the job nice and tidy! I would love to see a pic of the whole PTO attachment! Thanks!
Definitely doing the right thing and you will be blessed in return. What you sow, you shall reap! Thank you for that fantastic interview with @arbritarykitten.

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A little perspective to everyone out there that sometimes we need to think beyond ourselves and be grateful, even if it is in a small thing. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much indeed for the give away , a very good effort and really like the article. You are absolutely going in the right direction! @papa-pepper