With all the knowledge and wisdom in the world at their fingertips, many choose to just be ignorant.
While they are certainly without excuse, we don't have to follow in their footsteps. Now is a time like never before, where people can learn and educate themselves just by using their phones or computers. This is an amazing opportunity, and I say it may be time to use our brains, before we lose them.
the Daily "Spotlight"!
Oh wow! Little ol' me?
178 "daily spotlights" and @daveks finally chooses @papa-pepper.... LOL - Thanks Brother!
Lol, better late than never.
Appreciate the consistent, daily dose of @papa-pepper!
Once again a great video papa-pepper. Everything you say in the video is so true. People just do not want to use their common sense anymore these days. You really do not need a degree to learn most things these days because most of the time you can google what you want to know and with just a little bit of effort by scrolling through the information you will find your answer most of the time and then of course their is youtube as well that have a ton of videos that can illustrate whatever you want to know. People just became so lazy they want everything done for them and really is very sad!!
But sometimes. Its hard to concentrate with so many distractions and different disciplines. 😣
Love this post! But do not like ignorant people! Ahah
LOL - I hear you!
It sad that there's a lot of ignorance during this information age where everything you need to know is just a click away.
I think the mere fact that you can just click a website makes people take it for granted and always postpone the learning process.
It is too easy now not to use your brain for anything. For example, I have two friends. Both have smartphones with the internet. One uses it to connect to the four popular apps here; FB, Youtube, Twitter and Whatsapp. He complains that he can't find a job because he lacks the knowledge to advance. The second uses his phone plus internet to study a second language and to look for ways that he can increase his income through welding, private construction and landscaping. He never seems to be short of work. The difference is, one wants to be entertained, the other wants to learn. Lately, I have been asked by several people, how do I know about so many different things. It is because I take every opportunity given to me to learn...
Being a parent changed my life.
There is a world of knowledge at our finger tips and for my generation it is truly amazing!
There is so much to life that must be experienced actually experienced to grasp the full meaning and the true blessing.
Great video!
Thanks @sugarcreek! It changed my life a lot too!
A person will really lose his brain soon. Creating a lot of gadgets that "turn off" our thinking adversely affects humanity ...
Now I can only eat a little bit of chips and watch shows earlier in the day...
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
LOL - You know the feeling too?
Great video
A world without common sense no longer tuned into instinct...
That's darn right scary ...
I couldn't help but think of the following verse because there is pretty much nothing that you can't find online somewhere!
A couple weeks ago, our Pastor talked about jobs, and the critical shift in mindset from prior generations (who had the drive you speak of) to the current generation whose vision is shortsighted at best. I definitely see the trend. I think it’s a combination of factors — divorce breaking up the family, resulting in children losing their support network, to the Gov trying to “fix” the problem with more school (which has to be highly regimented because having THAT many little kids in a class is like herding cats) because the parents are too busy trying to rebuild their broken lives to be around for their kids, and the banking industry perpetuating the culture of debt (say, buying even a small house costs more than you’ll make in 20 years... cars that cost more than a years’ worth of wages... etc).... there are a lot of factors. And unfortunately, the end result is the same. You work a job you hate or are ambivalent about, to pay for the hobbies and things you love.
Which, in and of itself isn’t bad to look at money transactionally... but in terms of fulfillment, having a job you LOVE from the get-go is waaay better.
So generationally yes, I see a significant amount of childish behavior and mindset. I think by and large people are also lacking in passion for life. No one really seems to know who they are, or have the courage to find out, let alone embrace that and learn how to use it to their advantage. Now THAT’s a skill I’d love to see come back into style!