in #life7 years ago

Because everyone is a winner!

win and the other lose, so people can at least strive to improvement, rather than just giving people awards for simply showing up. Check out our discussion and see what you think!In this video, @truconspiracy teams up with @papa-pepper to discuss the trend of "trophies for participation" and not allowing anyone to be called a loser. While this may seem like a good idea, we believe that it can have lasting, negative effects long into adulthood, and that perhaps it would be better to let one team


here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…


GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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You guys make a lot of good points. I think it helpful to put your ideas in a broader historical context:

What you are seeing is very common in (current and former) socialist countries. In the USSR there was a popular comment on the meaninglessness of work: “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work”. The idea of a guaranteed income that is now making the rounds (especially among young people who haven't learned much of the history of socialism) is one more step in the transformation of the US. I visited China before economic liberalization took off, and I saw the same lackadaisacal work ethic.

Participation trophies and guaranteed passing grades in school send a signal that your work, no matter how badly it is done, ultimately doesn't matter. Nobody cares how much effort you put into doing a thorough job, so why bother? Everybody graduates and receives a meaningless piece of paper called a diploma. As a college teacher, I have seen this attitude many times: if I insist that students show some real effort, they complain to the administration this teacher is “unfair!” This corrosive attitude is carried over into the workplace. A relevant discussion: https://www.quora.com/How-did-communism-affect-the-citizens-of-the-USSR

I think the only meaningful way to correct this situation is to pull our kids out of government schools and teach them ourselves. Our next generation is more important than the extra cash we can earn (used to buy status symbols and expensive toys) if both parents work. This is a cultural war that we cannot afford to lose!

Wow! Thanks for actuall watching and making such a great comment! I guess we think alike in several ways.

I think the only meaningful way to correct this situation is to pull our kids out of government schools and teach them ourselves.

Yup, that's what we are up to, and it seems to be becoming more popular.

Our next generation is more important than the extra cash we can earn (used to buy status symbols and expensive toys) if both parents work. This is a cultural war that we cannot afford to lose!

That's why @mama-pepper gave up all her hopes and dreams of being a dental hygienist to stay at home with the @little-peppers.

Thanks so much @wentong-syhhae!

Oh, this is a hot button topic.... actually you hit a couple hot button topics. My pastor and I have this conversation often, he's even used it in sermons. You didn't win so, what exactly did you do that deserves a trophy. You show up for work, between breaks, checking your FB, talking, lunch, more socializing, you actually work 4 hours, get paid for 8, barely even try when you are working and think you deserve a raise......

I'm not even going to start on no child left behind. We've had some knock-down drag-outs with a school system over that.

I think that one of biggest issues with "participation awards" is that people assume that a person's self-esteem should be or is tied to a result. At least that's what it seems to teach. Honestly, you shouldn't feel bad when you lose as long as you gave it everything you had. Work harder, prepare better, learn something, let it motivate you to do better.

Nice! Glad to hear that you understand all that. Poor world it's becoming for us people!

Hey papa-pepper great video from you guys. Your example of the job that pays $400-00 and get paid for doing a good job I agree with that for sure. I am still old school and still believe that you get paid for the job your doing and always put in the best effort when you do your job, it does not matter if you clean toilets or whatever, you should do your job with pride because that in itself will not only help you to earn the income that you deserve but also give you the satisfaction that you did your best and you know you deserve what you got paid for.

I hear you! I'm old school too, and have stuck out as a "quality employee" way too many times. The others seem to keep making it easy.

Why does the term "we are all winners" sound more appealing than " we are all loosers"yet they both mean the same thing. Lol

THAT is a very excellent point! Thanks!

Great, we are all loser.
We are all winner.

really right @papa-pepper, even if you lose the match you can't think of others as losers ...!!!

Loosing doesn't make us losers, we will still win...
We are winners @papa-pepper

We recently had the exact same conversation at home with @chazzie-leigh. This creates an adult who doesn't know the value of lessons in failure. For children who get rewarded just for turning up, i don't think we will see any major achievements from them. We need to be figuring out what each child has a talent for and rewarding the child for being the best at that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, best of luck for your two man jobs!

best of luck for your two man jobs!

Thanks! There's plenty to be done around here, so @truconspiracy should help speed things up!

I am who I am... I just a dumb loser.

You've got two options! Learn a lesson from each loss, getting better every time, or live in the Slough of Despond.

Its up to you!

You can only learn to win, after you have learned to loose. If you are given a trophy for just being there, it is meaningless, and robs you of any chance of ever tasting the sweet nectar of Victory. Then there is no course to steer, because the final destination is totally obscured! >:(

Totally! You are so correct my friend!

I am glad you are teaching those kids the right path to follow! Kids are too precious a resource to waste on stupid social experiments!

Right On...Excellent video... @papa-pepper

Hey how’s it going that picture of him thinking you were a loser was funny.

Papa., pepper them. You are making alot of sense from that video, it's one benefit I gain here from steemit ie reading watching and gaining meaningful information. Thanks

Not only are they being rewarded for just participation takes away the incentive to do better it gives no personal satisfaction for accomplishing anything.

I see a bit of a sideways perspective on this, and I think its a bit more insidious that even you guys realize.

The most valuable lessons in life are learned from losses. Failure causes a reaction, to be better, to train, to practice, to study, to improve. Success leads to complacency. Yes winning is good, but you have to stay sharp. Success leads to luxury leads to gluttony leads to failure.

There is a reason for the saying - 'stay hungry'. Deuteronomy 8:3 says - 'He humbled you and let you be hungry.' God needed them to be hungry before they would even learn a simple lesson, even a lesson that they had already learned before! Losers get better, losers learn lessons. It is dangerous for a child to have everything too easy. They will not develop deep roots of stability and wisdom, of resilience and tenacity.

These are characteristics and values that are not compatible with servility or dependence on government.

..exellent!!..up, resteemed..thank you....

I agree Papa. There are Winners and Losers. No sense in handing out particpation Awards... just silly,imho.

I got tired of posting as a Minnow (in just a participatory type Capacity here at Steemit ) so in the last few days decided to invest another $3,600 and powered on up to Dolphin status. Where I want to Rock and Roll and help others reach their Dreams.

Robert :)