Great day snorkeling St. Andrews State Park
St. Andrews State Park located in Panama City Beach, FL. The park is owned and operated by the State of Florida and the entrance fee is only $8 for an entire carload.Well we kicked off the first day waking up in Florida by heading out to one of our favorite snorkeling spots. We woke up a bit too early for my liking, but @sushiqueen would have no sleeping in! Once I downed enough caffeine to hype an entire football team I was ready to hit the action. Our special spot is
Entrance to one of the greatest state parks in the U.S., St. Andrews State Park!
Once we got there, it was obvious that it has become more and more popular over the years and we had about a 20 minute wait to get through the entrance and pay station. We unloaded all of our gear on the sidewalk and I parked the vehicle while my wife and daughter waited with our gear. I had the bright idea to buy a beach wagon to help move all the gear, but it was just about useless in the soft sand even though it had oversized all-terrain tires. After dragging the cart to the shore we geared up and headed into the surf.
Apparently, everyone knows about "our" spot!
Across the bay is Shell Island, accessible only by boat.
This particular spot is a man made lagoon created by placing jetties in the water. This creates a calm body of water taht is still accessible to the open bay and it gives an artificial reef for all types of cool sea life to flourish on. Across the bay is Shell Island and it is only accessible by boat but a ferry runs every 30 minutes or so during the day. I doubt we will make it over there this trip, but maybe next year.
Easy ladies, I'm married!! lol
Cool little fella checking me out as I check him out.
These pictures were pulled from video, so they are not the greatest, but I plan to edit the videos once we get back home next week. The snorkeling is always phenomenal at this location and it has areas available for all skill levels. We discovered that the state had placed a new set of jetties in a more shallow area for beginners and children to enjoy. Since it was new, we hit this spot first. It was a nice set of jetties and we saw an abundance of small fish. We also headed over to the original jetties which, depending on the tide, lay in about 15-25 feet of water and larger marine life can be found here. We like to shoot through the jetties to the ocean side of the rocks which drops down to about 40 feet. We have seen just about everything you can imagine at this park including fish, sharks, rays, and an octopus! Today the highlight were some blue fish and a pretty big Sheepshead fish.
These two guys were the best buds.
Overall the day was just as amazing as it looks in the photos. Snorkeling and diving is something my daughter and I have shared since she was very small and I cherish every chance we get to share it again. We discovered(a bit too late) that the waterproof housing for my cheap knock-off action camera was, in fact, not waterproof! lol So that camera is dead and I am hoping to salvage the footage from the card. My new go-pro hero 2018 performed like a champ and I can't wait to get it back out there and get some additional footage.

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Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Honestly it’s for the best that your cheap knock off camera is gone! Better it died in the water then setting you on fire while fishing.
The pictures look great! Jealous that your beaching it, have a great vacation.
lol you're probably right about that ghetto camera!
Beautiful clean looking water to snorkle in. Enjoy your time away with family.
Sorry for the reply delay. We just rolled in back home. It was a great vacation and good bonding time with family. The last day we snorkeled the water was a bit tinted due to a storm stirring up things. The visibility was still decent and I was able to get some footage.
Fantastic home safe and sound from a great vacation.
What a great adventure you had! I could never snorkel, I tried once and felt like there was not enough air. Looks like you could just pet the fishes :D I like seeing you having so much fun in such beautiful weather. Good for you!
My wife is the exact same way. She will use a mask as long as it is shallow enough to stand, but that's it.
My daughter and I will snorkel for hours.
Looks like a very popular place now with all those vehicles all lined up. Never tried snorkeling I often just spend my time just soaking in the water and sitting on the beach. Sorry to hear about the cam I'm pretty sure you would be able to still recover the footage and photos.
I'm hoping so, the card has been sitting in rice since it was waterlogged and I will try it tomorrow.
It looks like you had a great time @papacrusher
Snorkeling and Scuba are both something I share with my daughter too. It's a great feeling when you get to go out in the water together and especially the buzz and chat after.
It's a real shame about the camera. I'm always nervous when it comes to cameras and water.
Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the comment. I was a little hesitant with the cheaper camera and should have listened to my gut. The gopro on the other hand performed like a champ. We just got home tonight so I will start editing the video over the weekend.
Yeah, the gopro is pretty awesome. I have a Hero 4 lcd and it is excellent for skiing and diving, the two things I use it most for.
I'll look forward to your footage.
I haven't snorked but it looks fun!
And pictures are great!
Thanks for the pictures, was looking for some decent impressions of what to expect when snorkeling here.