I'm a simple man. I see a post where someone isn't afraid of chewing his readers out and spiting them in a bucket, I am intrigued.
You must have had a lot on your mind and must feel good for having gotten this out of your system.
I could write an educated opinion about what you wrote. The question is: Would you actually care about it?
You should check out my other posts. Plenty more where that came from.
Honestly? I felt like a lot of my recent posts have been too sterile. Not interesting, not challenging. I wanted to freestyle a little bit.
Not sure. I don't have a crystal ball. That said, you don't need my permission to leave your opinion on my post. That's why I posted it publicly.
That being said, you are right when it comes to the many times you said that I as the reader probably knew a couple of the things that you posted. And I certainly agreed on a couple of them.
Some of the most unpopular ones, actually. Which leads back to my quote. Me replying to some other peoples problems by giving them my opinions on these topics that ended up not being what the person wanted hear. Led to some people not wanting to talk to me anymore.
They usually come back after days, weeks or months just so that they can tell me that I have been right all along, but of course, I knew that and by then, I usually don't care anymore.
Because being right is nice, but it is useless if you can't convince others. And I think that this is part of the reason as for why I read so much frustration in this post of yours.