
45 is insane. Lol

When it hits 20 plus we all throw out clothes or and run about in the sun rejoicing!!

20 plus is cold my bro. 30 plus is so much better, but I don't suppose you guys get that high?
I think at 25-40 you will all have to find a way to rejoice in the hospitals with severe sunburn lol.

In the 1800s the UK decided they wanted our gold and they decided to annex the country. They sent their soldiers over here and the sun did more damage to their soldiers than the war did.

I can believe that. Most of us burn to a crisp in the high twenties. I love it when the temperature gets there, which is about as high as it gets in Scotland. When I am on holiday I do like a place with temp in the 30s, there is no pussy footing around with that. Never experienced the 40s though, that would be wild

My cousin works at a Platinum mine in a town way up north and we visit there every now and then. I also went and did his wedding there.
Imagine standing in a suit, collar and tie and feel like you are showering in the high 40s.

I have never spent more than one night there, but the amazing thing is to see how he and his family has acclimatized to the heat. Like human lizards lol.

I can imagine! Web do totally acclimatise, my friend who stays in Spain comes over here in summer and has to wear woollen jerseys and thick clothes because he is cold and thinks we are mental for stripping off in the 20s, lol