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RE: Smooth Running

in #life5 years ago

Amazing how our ladies can always catch us at our most inopportune moments.
Almost like they have an 8th sense lol. (they always argue that they have a 6th and a 7th sense)

So now I suppose once you get around the corner on a run, you are going to take the running shirt off to gather admirers of the female kind?


I would definitely go for them having a 6th, 7th and 8th sense!!!

In Glasgow we are quite famous for getting our taps aff at the slightest hint of sun so it probably wouldn't gather the slavering onlookers that you would expect. :0)

Yep! Anything out of the ordinary and they have that uncanny ability to spot it immediately. Sometimes for some reason they would just call out in a suspicious voice; "Darling, what are you doing?" 😇

But if they get the real sniff of something untoward, they would stalk up silently like a prize bloodhound and trap their prey with their pants down 🤣

Well, that's why you have to stand out and be different. Oil that chest and start running backwards, as the femmes will all turn to have a look 😁

I'm oiling as we speak!! Will, metaphorically perhaps...

I love the call Darling, what are you doing? For me it is always the answer that they pounce on. No matter how the reply is said that's when they KNOW!!

Hahaha, they sniff and then they listen to the tone of the answer.
You are so right, as it doesnt matter what we answer, they just KNOW!

I have to bid you a Good Night here my friend!
Hope that your day ends well, even without the hair on your chest😁

Good night dude, nice chatting as always!!

I am sure I will have a great and smooth sleep hehe!!

Good morning my friend.

I had a good sleep and hope that you had the same.

Hope that you will keep us updated on your conquests resulting from your running around with a naked oiled chest 😁

Hey, who said oil!

But its a good idea, I like it!