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RE: Weaponization of Propaganda in Scientific Journals

in #lifelast month (edited)

I so dig your approach. I came to the same mindset.

I was into activism in 2010, advocating the scientific method as a way forward. I was with people who rightly pointed out the corruptive nature of finances in politics, the media, and culture. A veil was lifted from my eyes. I saw systemic corruption anywhere I looked, especially in areas everybody simply takes as a given.

I thought science = the scientific method, until I stumbled on examples for the contrary. While I couldn't be certain about - say - the existence of overunity devices, it always made sense to me.

But what eventually gave me pause was discovering how psychedelics have been systematically erased from our culture's memory and habits, in light if my life-changing experiences on LSD and magic mushrooms. Life-changing, and immediate.

I discovered that even and especially in scientific and academic circles, lsd was hailed as a medicinal wonder weapon, psychotherapists claimed one guided session with lsd could substitute for ten years of psychotherapy.

Then somehow, it all got erased. Research was banned and "laws" created to completely abolish these substances and their potential. And especially academia took the bait and ceased to show any interest despite all the early promise.

I asked my activist friends about this and they denied this. "No man, they're drugs and you are just a junkie hippie."

but i knew i wasn't. i knew i had discovered a prime example of science being politicized and weaponized, bought off, and the scientific spirit with it. I quit the activism.

It set me free and I have been rediscovering everything many times since then. I will be forever grateful.

Blessings dude!


There are as many reasons to censor and corrupt science as there are ways to profit from lying to people.
