I did the search, and read the articles. The only thing in this whole post that those articles backed up is that such vaccines exist. All the horrors about them seem to be pure speculation.
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I did the search, and read the articles. The only thing in this whole post that those articles backed up is that such vaccines exist. All the horrors about them seem to be pure speculation.
I am baffled by this comment. Having read extensively dozens of papers detailing the mechanisms of action by which the pseudouridinated mRNA causes enduring manufacture of spike proteins, and the ways in which spike proteins cause injuries in every organ of the body; having also read how the snippets of DNA contaminating the plasmids in which the mRNA is transported into the cells, where those snippets are occasionally transfected into cellular DNA, and how many autoimmune and cancerous consequences that causes; and finally how the plasmids are concentrated in human reproductive organs where their payloads are delivered to our reproductive mechanisms and impact our germ cells, sperm and egg, so genetically altering our progeny, I cannot grasp how you could call the vast reams of evidence that these jabs cause dramatic harm, including death, anything short of horror.
The only way I can imagine you can say it's pure speculation is if you didn't, in fact, read those papers that I have. Accordingly I can only account for the content of your comment if it is non-factual in one way or another.
Just the bare fact that replicon is a laboratory manufactured virus is an unconscionable horror, because that agent is inflicted on populations that have not consented to be treated with it. It's very existence is a crime against humanity, as defined in the Nuremberg protocol, and several others as well.
I can see no means of interpreting and understanding your comment from a standpoint of a human person that seeks to survive. Calling the deliberate release of an infectious agent into the human population only a speculation of horror, when the bare fact of such release is a capital crime against humanity seems too negligent of desire for personal survival to be the view of an actual living, breathing human being.
Is your entire library of knowledge derived only from Rocket47's post, and absolutely no other information about the adverse effects of mRNA has come to your attention? I can not find that to be a credible basis for your claims here either. Do you deny that the alleged harms ascribed to the mRNA jabs are real and occur? That no myocarditis has been causing children and young adults to drop dead of heart attacks decades before such ailments have heretofore impacted populations? No turbocancers have arisen, no dormant virii activated causing shingles and the other viral diseases? No Bell's Palsy, genital necrosis, or the vast and myriad variety of ailments that have suddenly arisen since 2020 that are temporally and dosimetrically correlated with the jabs? Do you deny that all causes mortality has increased only after the jabs were released, that misscarriages have increased by ~4x, and that birth rates have plummeted?
Please do explain further.
I don't deny that such reactions occur, I deny that they are widespread, or even common. They seem in fact to be extremely rare, and I don't concern myself too much with extremely rare events.
And yes, I absolutely deny that death by all causes is up 4x, or at all. The numbers don't support it in what I can verify locally, or what I've seen reported on statewide, nationally, or globally.
Birth rates have been plummeting since the onset of cheap birth control in the 60's. I have seen no sudden decline that can be attributed to the jabs.
You are a statistician actually looking at the data? If not, there are plenty that are, like Ed Dowd, Denis Rancourt, and more. If you haven't seen their reports, you have been trying to avoid seeing the data, because they're published in peer reviewed journals, on every social media site, and in the corporate media too.
Edit: It's not all causes deaths that have risen by 4x.
Reading more carefully may help to keep you abreast of the actual events ongoing.
I've been looking, and can't find anything to back up that stat on miscarriages, either. Do you have a link to the study?
edit: This is the same guy (paradoxtma), different account.
Absolutely nonsense. Clearly u didn't spend a second digging or checking