Hello All, @pasaift here. Hope you are having a nice weekend. I Just want to share a food for thought this lovely sunday. Do you think that you are an asset or a liability to those around you??
I wanted to get a perfect definition, so I visited my dictionary to get a definition that suits my topic
A liability is someone or something that causes problems or one that acts as a disadvantage/drawback.
An asset is a valuable person or someone that one can benefit from
Now I hope you are beginning to see the picture I'm painting.
When one is born,the individual is a liability. Such individual cannot contribute anything of benefit to anyone, rather the individual places people at disadvantaged situations. This is the Natural order. After a while that individual is supposed to become an asset, but some don't just cross over to this level. They remain a liability till they kick the bucket.
We have to grow from that state of being a liability and turn into an asset. People don't like having liabilities on their side, someone that they can never benefit from. If you remain a liability, you would definitely not go far in life.
Allow me to share a story.
Lillian was a university student, she didn't do so well academically and she wasn't really bothered. She always said afterall one rich guy would come and marry her, so she doesn't need to stress herself. Fortunately enough, a rich young man did marry her. Since she did not have any work or skill, she was a house wife, Always asking her husband to buy this and to buy that. Long story cut short, things began to go sideways for the husband,he still managed but later had to divorce the lady because she was only good at draining his account. I guess her habit made him fall out of love for her.
In the above story, you wouldn't blame the man, his wife was obviously a liability he just had to get rid off.
In this world we live in, you are either a liability or an asset.
We should all strive to be assets, to be a giver and not always the receiver. Imagine a world filled with assets, just imagine how different it would be. Think to yourself today, Am I an Asset or a liability? If you are not an asset, it's not to late to turn yourself into one.
Remain blessed.
We must find what motivates us and not only that, find a way for that passion to be shared, benefiting the greatest number of people. When we believe that we are not good at something, just try again and again until we find a way to be better.
So instead you propose we all stop buying things and only produce, produce, produce, as to faster destroy the earth with meaningless, useless shit, straight from the factory to the land fill?
Who or what is the liability here?
It seldom is so easy.
Is the beggar playing his instrument in the street to get a small pittance a liability?
In the capitalistic dogma for sure. He barely can pay for a poor housing and cheap food.
But what about the smiles he puts on the faces of passersby for a moment?
What about is small ecological footprint compared to big-house SUV-driving banksters who make their money by making money and neither producing goods nor smiles?
Don't get me wrong, that is just a made up story. in the case of the banksters, I believe that they are importance to some people. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
@lennstar I am of the opinion that you got the phrase misinterpreted. The poster painted a picture of not being the demanding type rather be the contributing type.
hey man, you are seeing this the wrong way . His point is simple, try to add value to yourself.
That has nothing to do with being an asset or liability though (not to mention these words to describe a human).
You can strive to better yourself in the full knowledge that you are and will always be a "liability".
Nice one. We are meant to be assets however, the moment ones falls to be productive, he/she becomes a liability to those around him or her.
Thanks for sharing. Being a liability is something we should always pray against.
From today,
I pledge to be an asset and not a liability, so help me God.
Nice work Paisaift