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RE: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Is it? I think not.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Nice, Bonnie! I love these types of expressions. Such discourse enables us to think more deeply about the meaning of life, - what it means to each of us, - and how our actions or inactions affect ourselves and others.

Perhaps “intention” as it were, is but a reflection of our internal character and the manifestation of such created by our daily thoughts and actions.

“Good” is living by the universal “Golden Rule,” which is an irrefutable truth. “Evil,” by contrast, is any intentional action that goes against the “Golden Rule.”

Yes, I agree, “Hell” is indeed a construct created of our own minds, i.e. “hell on Earth.” Such living “hells” are likely to manifest or catch up with those who continually defy and infringe upon the “Golden Rule.”

Redemption, Remorse, and Humility allow each of us, if we are so blessed, to identify our mistakes, atone for them, forgive ourselves and others, - and move on in a positive direction abiding by the simplicity of “Golden Rule.”

Why did God (or whatever) put us here in this violent world? For what reason might any higher-power place such painful and intractable obstacles directly in each of our paths? Why do bad things happen?

I truly don’t know. But there are several things clear to me, and that I do know. Without sorrow, there can be no joy. Without darkness, there can be no light. Without evil, there can be no good. Without pain, there can be no pleasure, and without sin, there can be no forgiveness.

And yes, at the end of the day, given all the trials and tribulations each of us shall endure, the lion’s share of our existence is indeed a blessing for which we should all be forever grateful – and not worry – that is - until such time as true-worry and sorrow comes knocking at our door as it inevitably shall in due course.

In the interim, you are 100% correct, Bonnie – Don’t Worry – Be Happy! Life is far too precious and short to do otherwise!