Okay.. So the mail was just delivered & I just have to share!
I love the mouse! I have 12 buttons that I can assign my own copy/paste spam comments! I can spam all day with just a few clicks! Just kidding. They are for comment templates though. I spend a lot of time repeating myself.
Oh.. The dog biscuit is missing from the photo. @zoee couldn't wait for me to take a picture of it before she ate it. Half the time she makes it to the mail truck before I do so she can get her treat. That's one way for the mail man to make friends with all the dogs!
I think tomorrows package is being delivered by Fedex. Maybe he won't remember that @zoee tried to bite him last time.
Good bless black friday!!
Good black friday...keep hopping n shopping👍
Wow... contributing to the economy. Looks ready to do battle. SSD - some serious data. Now, what's coming for CyberMonday I wonder
lol.. I'm getting tired of waiting for excel queries to run.
Excel is nice but sometimes I feel it takes too much memory.
It does. Now I have 32GB for it to use. :)
Wow... that's a lot. Makes my 8G looks puny.
They are lovely items.