I am a work from home/stay at home/housewife.
I understand your situation, and sometimes too feel 'worthless'. raising children might not feel stimulating or rewarding to all of us, but it is the most important job in the world
You are working on stuff too, give it time, work hard, find a balance that suits and your value will be repaid.
Do you have a different perception of it as a woman? I see the rewards, but they're the kinds of rewards that don't activate the same reward center in my brain that I prefer... if that makes any sense. I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that reward that comes from taking care of the kids and doing things with them close to the other things you truly enjoy in life?
I am not a very material person, stepping back from my career nearly sent me to the nut house, but now I work online I am keeping my brain alive and its activating the same reward center. I would still rather work than stay at home, but now I do both, just from home