in #life7 years ago

To be in the midst of people is a joyful thing. To be alone could be very burdensome. One of the greatest punishment you could give to a child is to let the child to be alone. The child cannot help but cry. It is not all about children. It happened to a man a very long time ago. He lived in a beautiful garden where there was a beautiful stream. In the morning, the sun comes out and its rays touch the surface of this beautiful stream and it gives a glittering effect like diamonds in glass. The man could see clearly the fishes in the stream as they swim to and fro in joy. There were uncountable flowers all around and the play of the animals and the songs of the birds made life for man a PARADISE. He had everything ; food, drink and even God. But the irony is that he was LONELY IN PARADISE. His name is ADAM and the story is in GENESIS.

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Over the years, it has been evident that the best comes out in us when we are together. Remember a popular songs which goes like this.... the more we are together the happier we shall be. It does not really matter what is in the place. All that matters is that we are with someone and we are loved. It is amazing to note that even in Paradise, Adam was LONELY. Interestingly ; it was God himself who discovered that Adam was alone. In Gen.2:18 'he said... it is not good that man should be alone'. God must have discovered it in the mood of Adam while he was moving around the garden in the morning.
Truly ; God loves it when we are together. He does not like it when we are LONELY. And so in his love, God made Eve for Adam and the first word ever uttered from the mouth of Adam was an exclamation. He EXCLAIMED. An exclamation was an expression of joy. I am using this thrust in Genesis to male clear that in life ; we need to appreciate the presence of one another. God even declared his love for been together when he said that where two or three are gathered in his name, he is there in their midst. Even God himself is not alone.
We are becoming more and more lonely these days. Lots of things are taking us away from each other. We have phones, computers, TV etc and above all our quest for comfort is tearing us apart and gradually, things are falling apart because our centre which use to be our togetherness cam no longer hold.

What is our centre ?
Our centre is that passion for sharing which use to be our way of life. Many family and relationship are lonely even though they are living together. There is no communication, no sharing. The house could be a mansion with everything but like Adam, they are LONELY IN PARADISE.

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Valentine celebration is just a reminder that we should re-define how much we love ourselves. A true valentine celebration for me will be a family-father, mother and children renewing their love for each other .
What better love would there be than a family praying together and sharing ideas in a sphere of life. Valentine day is an opportunity to pledge our love for one another. Cards, gifts and flowers are ok but after all of that, what happens at home, what happens amongst the lovers twist all around us these days and days to come? Cards, gifts and flowers all end up in the trash can after the valentine celebration, with even most of the cards not read. I wonder if it will be possible to have a library of valentine cards. The depth of the valentine spirit is not much. So much still have to be done. Many families are not even families because they are not familiar with themselves. Even in our world of today, we are LONELY IN PARADISE because we are not together. It is simply O.Y.O - On Your Own.

Truly, it is not good that man should be alone. He needs his wife and his children around him. It is not good that children should be alone because in the presence of their parents, they are loved and are ready to grow. It is not good that students should be alone because the school is supposed to be paradise for them, a place of expression and love, a garden where they can blossom for the future. It is not good that wife should be alone because when the husband is not there to be a true companion, she runs the risk of losing her dignity as a woman. This also applies to lovers in relationship. Since it is not good that we should be alone, who will be the valentine of the children who sells on the streets, the orphans, the widows and widowers? These are my valentine to them, though i can't send all of them cards, I will pray for them.
We can not denial the fact that God works wonders when we ate together with one heart and mind. When last did you eat as a family? When last did you go to the beach with your family and love ones? When last did you say to mum and dad that I love you and I appreciate all you have been doing for me? When Last did you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend that I love you? These and more simple gestures are what Valentine celebration truly bring forth. After this coming valentine, what next? Are we still going to be LONELY IN PARADISE?images (31).jpgimages (29).jpg