Two ways to become your dream
- Stay true!
One of the reasons people don't make it through their dreams is because they haven't believed their dreams enough to stay true to it. They carry these mind set of I really don't know how long this will be. They give up even before they try, they loose confident in themselves and never get to do what they ought to do
Becoming your dream requires a lot of work, it's not enough to be excited, wish it or write it down, it how's beyond all that. You need to be knowledgeable about, believe it and begin the the part you need to play
great people didn't just had a wish, they made the wish come alive,, their hands had to work
- Get rid of distractions
Most people in life have failed because they weren't focused, so many distraction that made them slow, she even left their own dreams and chased the dream of others.
Distraction is one of the thing that make people today less productive. If only we could get a complete attention to our dreams, soon we will find ourselves fulfilling our great dreams. Most people who never get further are at one point distracted from their dreams
those who run don't look back. You don't have to care who is running ahead or behind you if you want to reach the finishing line.
Dare to realize that dream!
Start it now
Believe it
Pray it
Become it
Dare to write your name on rocks where passing times can't erase them
So true