Out of 100 people who love books there are probably 99 people who love reading books while there is only 1 writer in the group. So if you want to be part of the 1%, instead of just reading books you should be writing books. Instead of playing computer games, you should be creating games. Instead of buying things you should be selling things. Out of 100 music lovers there are probably 99 listeners and just one musician. So instead of only listening to music you should be making music.
What 99% of the people in this world do is consume. What the other 1% do is create.
The defining factor of how you are going to be part of the one percent is that you are a creator more than you are a consumer. There are enough consumers in the world, the world doesn't need more of them.

If you want to have a mental shift, the next time you are browsing Steemit.com looking for a blog post to read or a video to watch, you should be thinking about how can I write more blog posts or how can I create more videos. You use the blog posts you read and the videos you watch to learn more and for inspiration, but eventually you have to create something yourself. Only consume the things that help you produce.
What if you created as much as you consumed?
If you really want to be different and you want to escape the rat race that most people live in, you should start thinking about how the 1% of the population actually acts. These people have a different mindset than the 99%.
So begin to make plans on how to create more than you consume. That might be difficult to do, because here in the west we are so trained to consume a lot. But if you want to be succesful, wealthy and happy, I believe that just being more creative and being more of a creator than a consumer is much more beneficial. I believe this helps you to move towards the 1%. Good luck!

Good topic, is true that sometime is easily to consume, so if we are lazy (I totally am by default ;D) we probably tend to consume than create and it simply remains no time to create! However, even if we reach the goal to create, we need to consume to do it! Consume is part of the path to learn how to produce, and as we know we never stop to learn, but it shouldn't overtake creating! Thanks very good content
Yah true
Good post! I think everyone can do it, if you go for it. It is a change in mindset and don't have anything to do with talent. Everyone can find something where he or she is good enough in to be the 1% / creator. Mindset is all.
When we open our our minds to new ideas, we can create new possibilities. Love that. Kind of reminds me of this quote:
"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change." -Wayne Dyer
Yah true
Great post. I totally agree. Thanks for everything you create. If a person is not good at creating, they should keep practicing until they are good. I am probably in the practicing category but I am doing what I can.
great food for mind. Climb the ladder
All right, What would the 1% do differently if the 99% followed everything they did? I've got my own ideas, but I want to know what you (the experienced) thinks... What's the best advice you could give a newb to Steemit starting from scratch? Your opinion is highly respected. - Thanks
Even creators have to consume. But good post.
Great work man!
I totally agree! I would expand on what you wrote.. however, you already covered it all LOL
Resteemed and followed
After reading your post and the content. I thought to myself. Maybe if I reply to his instructions, that could be a first step in my doing something, rather than just sitting. I am not so sure how valuable this is, but hey, I tried. lol
To start a journey, the first step must be taken. I will count this as my first step to encourage myself to be one of the creators, not a total consumer.
Thank you@penguinpablo
Here is $0.17 as a reward for taking your first step :)
Steem ON!
@penguinpablo Here is $0.18 as a reward for being kind and paying it forward to @francisk. :)
help me please, vote my post @khairil007
Wat is Steen?
Thank you@penguinpablo
This post is pretty much the mantra for my whole life! Ever since I wrote my first poem in primary school and moved my violin teacher to write music for it, I realized what a superpower being a creator can be! That is what lead me to being a homesteader as well because I can create the life I want to live. This post really hit home, thank you🌻 Resteemed
@penguinpablo, you just showed that you are a part of 1℅, the creator. I happen to go to steemnow site to check my balance voting power percentage and this blog headline there instantly grabbed my attention. I am yet to check my voting power percentage and here I am reading your blog and completely agreeing with you and feeling immensely happy that I did the right thing to come here to read this blog.
You created something that no other steemian has and that's creating more value for you 😊
I need to get rid of 99℅ attitude and get into the 1℅ mode soon. That's where the treasure lies ☺️
This is an outstanding post! I have read so much about how the 1% thinks different and achieve more each day than the 99%; but this is the first time I have come across this simple but profound concept. Create more than you consume! Thank you so much for this incredible advice. I will be putting it into practice right away.
Very Cool @penguinpablo!
STEEM is a great vehicle for doing just that!
man! fire. i read the title and already knew i would comment. your bang on. we need more voices, more creators, more connection through the things that drive us to open up dialog about those things. fantastic post. upvoted!
Hmm youre not on witness list I thought you were my bad.
One thought I had about this statement:"Only consume the things that help you produce" is that right now, by producing this comment while consuming your content, I'm helping to produce/enhance the Steem ecosystem, and that's the coolness of this platform.
Thanks againsound poem @penguinpablo - It's just what I needed to hear to get busy on my next
click here!This post received a 1.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @penguinpablo! For more information,
very well said. That's why some are Whales and others are not.
Love the post but I believe it also shows the reality of life. You may love books but may not have the talent to be a writer. Lets not lie and tell everybody to be writers. We must tell them to be honest to themselves and find something they are good at. Some may love their job and be good at it but loving your job won't put food on the table. However if money is not everything than do what you love and find like minded people. Even if you're not rich you can be happy.
I think this too was a part of my initial, knee-jerk reaction to this post. Great point and comment.
go pingu !
It's so funny!!!!!
All day everyday.
There is something so genuine about this post that it's hard not to agree with it, and I do, but it took me a couple of reads. At first blush, something inside of me immediately wanted to buck against the idea of being the 1%. In today's world, and through that lens, it is hard not to see the 1% as the elitist, us not them group. Upon further reflection it dawned on me the 1% you speak of is the 1% that's doing something. It's with that frame that I say I choose to do, to create, and to join that 1%. Thank you for your post.
Ammmmmeeen :O
This is so brilliant! It's so true! There are a lot of consumers but not a lot of creators, When you become a creator you often grow so fast, And can become self employed so quickly.
Well said. I completely agree. I know of some aspiring writers who think that reading lots of books will make them better writers. That is true, because I think you can learn a lot from reading other people's work, but it should never be an excuse to not write yourself. I think a few hours of writing is a lot better for learning than reading 2-3 books!
"Out of 100 people who love books there are probably 99 people who love reading books while there is only 1 writer in the group" Exactly the point. That's the difference between making content and copying. Great post. Short but to the point. Love it! Steem on!
The most annoying part is that the 99% who DO consume usually get upset at the 1% who provide them with what they asked for.... its a double edged sword in a way
Its easy to be a part of the 1% as well, you just have to have a drive and a passion that other people cant ignite within themselves
Just like other platforms, what we need to do here is not just look to earn money but genuinely express feelings and share knowledge. That in my opinion is what would make us different from the 99% . Great post!
Good post, Thanks for sharing
Facebook gets the rights to broadcast matches of the Champions League: https://steemit.com/facebook/@hamzaoui/facebook-gets-the-rights-to-broadcast-matches-of-the-champions-league
You are absolutely right, you need a mind of steel and an iron will to succeed. It is very encouraging what you are saying. Thank you
Very true!
Awesome post man, we all need that producer mindset. With jobs going bust in the near future, we all need to be Entrepreneurs in our own ways we can.
You are right @penguinpablo most people here on steemit are the same like 99% and want to achieve the rewards of the 1%, so your argument applies to all those, this is also true for every other field of life as well thanks for the nice share...
All the people I know who read the most also write the most...
I don't think you can, or should, ignore the consumption part as it can help you with ideas and seeing what's good/bad. It's just that you also need to work on the creation.
As with most things, moderation. A little of both.
yes the thrill is in creating and if it brings reward -then all the better
These artists typically called the "White Crows". Feelings of continuous use they are replaced by the desire to Create. I'm glad too, can relate themselves to these people=))))
Good points made
A great post, you've earned a follower ! :)
Instead of just learning about anything, we should be teaching something special !
Well said, im an artist and musician have been since I was younger. I had a good friend in high school who was amazing at guitar and gave you in college, it's said this guy was as good as any other amazing guitarists out there. A lot of people give up on there passions in life, it's tough I agree but never give up on what you love. Steem on my friend!
always with great posts
fupvoted and followed : )
I guess you need to be that pimple on someones face.
Everyone can see it and you can't hide it.
(Greatest Analogy Ever)
I'm blown away @penguinpablo. I remember the first saying I heard that changed me.
"You have to open up to a Paradigm Shift"
Just wonderful.
Brilliant! The headline alone will be etched in my head forever. It's no fun when you're traveling with the herd when you can break away and do your own thing.
Thanks for this!
absolutely agree!
the first step is the hardest: to take action
and after that, people will demotivate you. many of them want you to fail.
do not listen to them and risk something. because if you won't, one day you will maybe regret that you didnt try out. be different!
I love the idea of all of us becoming more focused on what we can create. When we're all creators, abundance will be normal. Just followed ya, onward and upward!
Unfortunately I am still part of the 99%, but really trying to get better so I can also join the 1%. Good article.
Thanks for this beautiful post,i really like this thinking.