Last Friday I got a shock when I came to our kitchen in the morning. Thousands of ANTs were all around the cooking area.
But then I got this perfect recipe from a friend to get rid of these unwanted housemates. I use a small glass bottle from a marmalade; caviar or pate with a slippery surface inside. I put two sugar cubes; a bit of sweet syrup (elder or some other sweet stuff), into this bottle and fill it up with beer to 3/4 of its volume. It needs some time to dissolve the cubes in the beer. At least I mix it and place this liquid trap straight to the spot where the small enemies enter the room.
As you can see in my picture, all of these ants get addicted to this sweet smelling trap. They taste and taste, get drunk and fall into the glass. After some hours, the bottle gets populated by dead beasts until it seems to be black caviar. I tested some variations of the ingredients and the ratio and found the above recipe working best.
Good luck, hunting on them. You'll enjoy my "ants-trap" I'm sure,
Do you know another good trap for similar beasts in the household?
This is actually pretty useful! I have a horned lizard I caught as a pet... I need a way to feed him large amounts of ants! Thanks. :)
I wouldn't advise it. With lizards you need to pay attention to what you feed them. In particular, as pets you also want to control what the insects you feed them have eaten.
Feeding your lizard beer and sugar/syrup loaded dead ants will cause more harm than good.
It's a horned lizard, who's diet consists of 90% ants. I would not use beer in the bottom or any kind of liquid actually... just the sugar cubes and syrup to attract them and get them stuck in a jar.
But the ants are dead..!?
There are plenty of live ones on there still! I would probably take most of the liquid out... that way they just get trapped