How do you feel when you re underrated, when you re looked down upon, when you re bullied with insults, when you re embarrassed? Feel so bad, right? Sometimes we cry in great dismay. Pathetic world or maybe some people re just unlucky to find themselves in that category. We don't voluntarily become underdogs, situations and inability to make provision for our necessities or better put lack of the mighty giant (money) in our pockets could make us an underdog. Most of the time the word "underdog" is used its most times related to power, financial status, fame, talents, knowledge, etc. Greater number of people re underdogs because only few people possess the above mentioned. In every battle of life in the world there would be always the battle for who is better and who is best.
Source : pixabay
Comparison everywhere, comparison from friends, colleagues, neighbors, enemies, etc. We live to battle this phenomenon of underdogs everyday. Our emotions gets affected, we become moody or we roll down some tick tears when we feel we re been look down upon or we re been maltreated. The emergence of underdog could be trace from envy and jealousy, ego. All this jeopardises our sense of equity and love. We brag about our possessions, power, popularity, money and wealth. Every community have underdogs, every work places have underdogs, every institutions of learning have underdogs, even religious bodies re not excluded. This distinctive impediment is quite to me an unnoticed virus to the progression of any place or person. When we look than on people we actually close doors to helping them assuming we re indeed better off to them and we could as well close doors of being favored when we ignorantly look down on people who re actually better than us. I have fallen victim of this act sometime ago in my life, maybe i was judging by the outlook of the person. Imagine telling a prominent person who came to an occasion to leave the seat he sat on because you concluded it was not meant for his category looking at how he dresses or his look to you. Very unlikely ugly encounter.
Source : pixabay
Most times we see people as underdogs from their appearances, their gentleness, their weaknesses, the way they talk or relate to us or people. In which ways we might be very wrong in the end. A good practical example was King David when he made the move to go on battle against Goliath the giant of the Philistines, he was humiliated by the Philistines superhero, who brag to give Davids flesh to the bird of the sky for meat. He said all that because he was too big, too experienced and too powerful for the little young lad. Had he known that people re not measured by their height and age he may have averted himself from fighting David. The ego of his might and the records of countless numbers of wars fought make him an already Champions even before the fight began. In the end the most chanted champions to be was on the ground dead. Being an underdog does not diminishes your quality, your ability. No, it doesn't, it only makes your opponent a better fellow in the shadow.
Very many people suffer day in day out from this unwelcome circumstances of being underated and its becoming a doom to many because its rather becoming a regular grandeur to their lives. The reason why you still live as an underdog is because you actually behave like one. Imagine you came across a competition and when you told your friends they all laugh you to scorn and because of that you refuses to participate since your friends taught you wouldn't do well in it, that means you actually made yourself just a good underdog. You could get yourself being looked down upon on every attempt you make to do something until you proved you re not what they think you re. The world makes us look like underdogs, the world wants to see us proof that we re not underdogs. If you don't do it, you will keep living in hurt, insult, embarrassment and rejection.
Source : pixabay
I grew up as an underdog back in school, always fighting to have a good grade. I was also an underdog to my friends and foes, who do want to beat the hell out of me. They do deprive me of my self esteem. I began to look like a scape goat. Then i grew older again and then i found out am still an underdog in socializing, how many followers have you gat? Who knows you? What's your impact and what have you done, what have you gat? and so on. This i face everyday. Now i battle every now and then with being made an underdog in power, riches/wealth, fame etc. When would a man of my category leave the teams of underdogs? Its quite hard and difficult, so demanding and with lots of discouragement. Giving up is the most foolish thing to do. Put up the fight as always and proof to those who never believed in you that you re not what they think you re. Just as little David took the courage and ran to meet the bragging giant Goliath so it is to everyone. You have the whole world watching you. If you failed to disapprove them then you re a really big failure. Its not about what people say you re, its about whom you say you re. What value did you placed on yourself? Are you the panic type? Are you the fearful? Are you the type that does what people says? Would you want to make a change and stand upon your weakened feet again? This decision is all to you to make. You re the architect of yourself. Make yourself a better person to those doubting you. Show them the other colour they have failed to see, show them the other person in you they have no knowledge about. Every single person was created for a purpose but to accomplish this purpose you need to decide which way to go.
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Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!
Thanks bro! This write is inspiring. Well, underdogs are everywhere, even when people call us that we shouldn't let it affect us. We are going to the top. Having a Focus is important
Yes bro. you re right, thanks for dropping by. I do appreciate it
The greatest form of underdog lies in our heart, we are what we believe we are.
Yes boss, very right. That's for your comment
When you are being underrated, never mind and don't look back. The mist important thing is not to underrate yourself because if you do you might not be able to recover.
Nice writeup
Yes boss, you said it all. Thanks for checking by