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RE: Are you at the border between order and chaos?

in #life8 years ago

What you say is all true, but there is even more symbolic meaning packed into this ancient image!

First, the duality and binary nature of the Yin and Yang are not limited to representing Chaos and Order - they represent the nature of duality itself! For the seemingly irreconcilable opposition of any binary pair or duality (life/death, inner/outter, up/down, thing/nothing, light/dark, in breadth/out breadth, self/other, etc) exist in the same relationship! Apparently opposed and different, none can exist without their opposite half. Neither can be complete except as a pair, just as you can't have a front without a back or one pole of a magnet alone.

From the seeming conflict between opposites, a third thing and the deepest mystery of the Tao emerges - the Unity of all duality, the Full Circle formed by the Yin/Yang pair represents the One Unified Source from which all Duality and form has emerged (manifested) and to which all forms return!

Like the Chinese characters for Buddha (a pair one meaning Man and the other No-Man), the entire teaching of all the mystery schools are in the Yin/Yang symbol, if you have eyes to see it and or meditate on it enough.

Thanks for sharing and I hooe you find this added knowledge even more mindblowing! Namaste!


Thank you for the added knowledge! :)