So it's women's day today and besides that fact and the fact that my wife and so many other great ladies get a day to celebrate how great they all are it's a strange kind of gloomy day, but okay.
We woke up about the same time as usual, my wife opened the door for our cat to go out which she did, but came back inside quick as it was colder than normal and the wind was erratically on and off.
We lay in bed for a while longer than normal and had coffee in bed which we don't do together often, we got up for breakfast a while later and after breakfast we just put the TV on and has gone through the bulk of a series called The Returned, very weird. Small town, dead people keep coming back, like i said, very weird.
Anyway, the weather has stayed the same, cloudy, cold, little windy and n fun to be outside, but we've had a good day just keeping each other company on the couch in front of the TV, another thing I at least don't do often. A mate called about lunch time and asked for some help getting a few things done which I jumped to as I am a bit of a hyper child and battle to sit still and feel very guilty when I am not being productive. He had a 14 year old Jack Russel on the back of his Land Cruiser, this little dog is old as the hills for a little dog, but according to my mate never misses a ride on the back, we could learn something from that little old dog, he still insists on having fun no matter his age, no matter the weather. Well as usual job done quickly and efficiently and I am back to the TV series with my wife.
Has the day been a waste, I don't think so. Has the time spent with my wife been good, yes I think spending time with your spouse can't possibly be a bad thing. Thinks have been pretty unsettled for me lately and I'm all over the place mentally and emotionally, but I tell you, you must take time out, shut down and vegetate for a moment or 10.
Don't be consumed all the time, take a deep breath.
Improvise Adapt & Overcome
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @petesays, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.
Good for you, Pete! I share your urge to be doing something that feels productive to me, and sitting just to be "relaxing" is an impossibility. My wife once told me that I was "radiating waves of anxiety and boredom" instead of relaxing.
She constantly reminds me of the story of the wood cutter who made himself stop working for ten minutes every hour to sharpen his saw. Her gentle reminders were, "M'dear, you need to sharpen your saw," and that was a flag that I was "radiating" again.
I need a day like that. Having a 2 year old is the barrier to that !
Oh dear, the terrible twos, hahahahahaha