Where do you find them

in #life7 years ago

BALLS. Ten ton brass balls. Something @galenkp wrote about and a very good topic.

Life is going to present you with challenges and you'll be lucky if you extended periods without any. Some are going to be soft touch and a breeze to get through and some are going to test your resolve to the bitter limits.

Many people make the mistake these days of trying to shield their children from any kind of hardship and as a parent I suppose one wouldn't want to see your kid go through any any kind of turmoil, but have you thought of who is going to do that when you are not around and that as you well know can happen at any time, no guarantees when it comes to our expiry dates.

My dad was often ridiculed and called hard as he didn't spare us any truth, but I can promise you that today as I sit here typing this I am so glad he was the man he was and that he had the backbone to be my father and guiding mentor first and my friend second. He cracked us on the but when we screwed up because he was kind enough to share the truth about life's ugly realities with us and what would happen if we followed certain paths so there were consequences when we disobey the rules as that would happen in the world when you get older. He also honestly mentally prepared us for what we were in for. It's not all rosy and smooth sailing and when the chips are down you will have to dig deep. Thanks dad.

The army came around and took over in the teaching department later in life and dad wasn't around anymore for quite a few years. The army didn't spare the truth either, you nailed and drilled and prepared. Lot's of mommies and daddies have also ridiculed the military for being hard, really, give me a break. All that is still nothing compared to what life is going to toss at your kid later in life. Remember that chance favors the prepared.

Respect and decency will come into play. These are two very important factors in fitting into a community and a good community will be there for you, good friends will be there for you so learn early on not to treat people poorly as you never know who may save your ass, mentally, emotionally, physically and or any other way.

Back to where we started, never quit, never give in and grow those balls. They're going to come in handy and remember to treat your community of friends with care and respect, genuine respect.

Improvise Adapt & Overcome


Great post again !

That show, The Unit was pretty good. Didn't like how it ended. They just sort of left it hanging.

Same here, what a great cast and so well pulled off. Wonder what the problem was with it's sudden death?

I didn't even remember how it ended, but I really loved that show. I think since my memory appears to be so poor I could now watch it again and I could enjoy it still I am sure :)

My Dad told me once when I complained about not wanting to play baseball because I didn't like the people: "Son, the world don't care if you like things or not, it's still the world you gonna live in and that's the way things work. When you don't like people, it's because you don't even know them yet, so go get to know them."

He was right. I got to know them and almost all got to be the friends I grew up with and they were not at all who I thought they must be.

When I went into the military, I made a point of learning a little about everyone around me (actually looking for new friends) and that first attempt at networking visibly increased my successes later on.

You never know who is going to save your bacon, so don't ever discount anyone!

Amen brother. You find friends in the strangest times andplaces