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RE: Open letter to Fuzzy, Steemit, and BeyondBitcoin

in #life8 years ago

Have nothing to do with Satoshi's invention. Could have been around since the 1970s really.


previous    00aaa926542a55e9ca9b9e678a93e6c6e4bf9c85
timestamp   2017-04-18T21:57:27
witness     gtg
transaction_merkle_root 382b5642e0c19f8558012e955eb81815d3322caf


I know you may think it's obvious, but you didn't state why pfunk.

Is it because each block is signed by a particular witness unlike Bitcoin?

Someone with enough knowledge to make a claim that something is or isn't a blockchain would take the hint.

The point I'm making is the block I linked, that included his comment saying that Steem could have been around in the 1970s, contains a reference block_id which includes a hash of the previous block.

The first 4 bytes of the block_id is the hexadecimally encoded block number and the following data is a truncated hash of the block.

Blockchains are created and verified by "chaining" together a series of data blocks that include cryptographic hashes to the previous block. The "chains" between old blocks and new are mathematically strong crypto hashes. Any attempt for a single party in a decentralized ledger to change transaction data in an old block will fail because it breaks verification of the chain.

that's also what git does, and git is not a blockchain. The Merkle Tree was patented in 1979.

You're missing the point. Read the other comment. Or just quit trolling if you know better.

I did. You're (almost) perfectly describing Merkle Trees.

How are you defining a blockchain?

Similarly to how Satoshi defined it:

I see. Thanks for pinpointing the source of confusion. When Satoshi wrote that, no other viable method of securing a blockchain had been invented yet. His comment in the Bitcoin code is not a dogmatic definition to last forever.

Proof of work is not required for a secure blockchain. PoS, DPoS, and other methods have since been developed that are able to securely produce a chain of blocks linked together with cryptographic hash references to previous blocks.

No. PoS and DPoS are regressions to Merkle Trees, that's the whole point. They are community-administered solutions (at best, if at all) to a problem that Satoshi solved technologically.

PoS at most is inelegant Proof-of-Work. Do your homework and understand why. Only then come back to further discuss.