2 months away from Steemit...Where did I go? Who cares? Why am I back?

in #life7 years ago

Yup, as quickly as I was hooked on Steemit, I dropped off just as fast. Most of you probably didn't realise I was gone or even who I was (still don't? no worries hehe) - all good, I didn't expect anyone to!! This post isn't a look at me, pity me or one of those self-help posts. I've just been absent for a bit after being addicted to Steemit/discord for months and am back to tell where I've been for anyone that wants to listen :)

DISCLAIMER: It's probably an anti-climactic story for most, I'm pretty boring compared to most individuals on here ;)

Please get to the point

I hear ya. 2 months doesn't sound like a long time but a lot can happen, to make it easier and quicker for everyone (+ perhaps a little entertaining), I made a little timeline :)

Boring eh?

Don't say I didn't tell you! Reading the above, you're probably like 'eh that's life' - 100% it is. But for me the key reason why I dropped off was that life was getting pretty hard to manage + dedicate time to Steemit.

Anyone who has or knows anyone that has suffered from severe allergies might understand. My husband had been suffering from severe contact dermatitis on his face, eyes + persistent conjunctivitis and after a myriad of GPs, specialists (opthamologists, dermatologists, immunologists) and $$$$ spent on home-remedies (all new linen, pillows, filters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air purifiers) we still weren't any closer to a solution.

It was frustrating to say the least and combined with being one of the busier times at work for us both, it just resulted in me not having much time for myself at all. Any spare time I had was spent researching on the internet for solutions, recommended lifestyle changes, visiting doctors and generally just spending time at home with my husband.

Just a skin condition? That's not that bad...

I agree, many people have a chronic disease or a life-threatening illness. We know that this wasn't the worst and reminded ourselves of this everyday but it didn't make our situation any less difficult to deal with!

Life went on, we still went to work, did 'normal' people things - bought a car, sold a car, tried our best at work and somehow both ended up with personal achievements!

Ok sure, but why no Steemit?

I don't ever say or like to think that I create good content, but what I do is try my best. My favourite saying is to GO HARD OR GO HOME. I live my life by this and this is how I tried to conduct myself on Steemit. My food posts took time to plan, prep, purchase, set-up, photograph, cook and edit. This was time that I just didn't have anymore...

...and now?

Well you can probably guess, but my return to Steemit marks a turning point in our situation - huzzah!! We're not at a complete cure, but we've managed to find a couple of things we can do to help manage the situation until we find the root cause of the allergies. It doesn't sound like much but given how severely it impacted our lives before, the fact we can basically live, work, sleep as normal is a HUGE deal!

I know a lot of this stuff people probably deal with on a day to day basis but for us, we've been relatively health our whole lives so this was a huge shake-up. It's really taught us to never take health for granted.

All in all, I just wanted to say hey I'm back! My passion is food and sharing my food adventures. I really enjoy being a part of the community here, reading about what other people get up and chatting to peeps on Discord, so I'm back :)

but wait, a quick thank you

Also a shoutout to @enginewitty and the crew at @thealliance for reaching out and checking where I was! I was very surprised and flattered that anyone had even noticed let alone cared! YOU GUYS ROCK!

What's next?

I am definitely coming back with some delicious food recipes and outings. I will also be posting a little be more information about how our diet has changed since we cut out yeast (noooooooo!!!) from our lives for those interested :)

Catch you guys later! (not 2 months this time)

@phamished xx


Are you kidding? Everyone noticed! Over the last month, posts on Steem have dropped dramatically... everyone was at a loss... everyone was all 'Where is @phamished?' which was literally always followed by sobbing and a weird wailing noise. It was horrible.... but with you back, especially in the form of epic timeline charts, I expect the prices of both Steem and SBD to explode.


Poor husbo! Hope he gets on the mend.
Unfortunately wheat has changed so much over the last 100 years (apparently) with farming practises constantly evolving, so lots of people suddenly find themselves struggling. Hope the new diet helps!

What type of car did you guys get?

I'm glad you're back young lady, I always enjoyed your writing and comments and that one time you slept on a table.

Hahahaha that’s exactly the kind of response I was expecting. I think your “where is @phamished?” post must have gotten lost as I can’t find it :P

Yes I am THAT powerful my sole presence on Steemit can greatly influence the price so everyone strap yourselves in for a ride to the moon now I’m back ;)

Yeah we still aren’t 100% sure what it is and I don’t even think it’s the yeast. We think it might be because there’s a lot of apartment construction in our area and we also live near a main road so could be excess exhaust / car fumes.

We got a BMW 330i! First luxury car for us so I’m super pumped, have wanted one for so long

Hope you’ve been good ninja friend!!

Yeah well.... that's because my WHERE IS PHAMISHED post was downvoted by all the people who didn't want to believe it. I've never seen an entire platform so emotional. It's been rough... BUT you've got to have the valleys to enjoy the peaks/the moooooooon.

Oh man... that's rough on your husbo. It literally could be anything... allergies are such a jerk. Whoever invented them is not cool.

Whoa! I thought it looked like a nice car from the photo... whoa! That's so exciting! They look so good.

I had a Nissan Z in Melbs, but the US is making us poor so we're back to 1 car and it's a Forrester. It's AMAZING in the ice and snow, but y'know, it's not exciting.

Oooh dayam you had a Nissan Z! What a baller. Was it a 350 or 370??

Hey a Forrester is nice, Subaru make great cars!! Reliable and they look pretty good too.

Hahaha you’ve set the expectation bar really high for my return now so I feel pressure but I plan on staying put now so no more emotional turmoil for all my fans...cos there’s so many ya know...

Very happy to see this in my morning wade through Steemit and even happier things are manageable once again! You were definitely missed sweets. New car huh?



Aww thank you!! I’m glad you were able to spot this post amongst the hundreds I’m sure you have to trawl through. It’s great to be back and looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to.

YES new car! What is it about that new car smell that’s so addictive?! 😍😍

I dont know, its similar to the same sensation i get from a smelling the pages of a good book. Let yourself get absorbed 😎

Haha I do that too. We’re freaks 🤓

Or maybe we're the normal ones?

I love the time line graphic - really great fun. I feel real bad for your husband, allergies can be awful to suffer and if there is no obvious reason it can be a long process to find out by changing lifestyle.

Good news about the promotion, looking forward to see more of your posts.


Thanks! I was trying to think of the most meaningful way I could write my post with the least amount of words - we humans are visual creatures so I’m glad you liked it!

Yep you don’t appreciate good health until it’s gone. I’m confident we’ll find a solution though so onwards to bigger and better things we go 😀

Thank you for the welcome back and looking forward to seeing you around again!

welcome back :) god bless and more power :)

Aloha @phamished! this upvote comes courtesy of @thedolphincocoon on behalf of @poeticsnake, @thebugiq & @ma1neevent! Welcome back to Steemit and hoping for full health for hubby!

Ooh how wonderful, thanks!!! I will pass on your well wishes for Mr. Phamished 😊😊