Living in Abundance - Humanities Next Step

in #life6 years ago (edited)

What is Abundance?

It is an attitude and a way of being. Abundance is an attitude of trust that you will be provided for. That trust comes from knowing that you are connected to something more expansive than just your one point of view.

Giving freely is a sign that you have enough, if you feel that you have enough - you will naturally give to others and to life.

Humans tend to think that abundance is based on taking and keeping more. It becomes reduced to the survival mentality of accumulating food and comfort, pleasures, money, and safety. We feel that if we can secure enough of whatever it is, and hold on to it and protect it - that we will be ok for all forseeable dark futures.

There's several fear based assumptions embedded within this. It's a projection about a future of scarcity, with avoidance based action.


The truth is actually the opposite of this attitude. The more we keep and store, means the more we are disconnected from life - which is the actual source of abundance. The more we protect what we believe to be ours, then the greater the barrier for fresh new things to come in.

It's this fundamental mis-perception that has gotten so out of hand, and played out marvelously in our societies for all of us to get a good look at. So we know how it works, now we get to create a new world that has real abundance - not just a synthetic abundance that drains life from one source and adds it to another. Does a virus create health or illness?

Life is infinitely generative and creative, but we have strayed far from this nurturance into a synthetic mind based projection. In this projection our fear of not having enough leads us to do all kinds of things. It's the primary motivator for all of these unhappy actions that are taking place.


The Scarcity Program

I don't know where it came from, maybe the Illuminati or the Reptilian Agenda. Perhaps it is a genetic anomaly, or just part of our natural evolution. What I do know is that we have a program going around in a lot of peoples heads, the idea that there isn't enough - we need to suffer to meet our needs, and that we need more (of whatever) to be happy.

This is a story that we have inherited from our parents, and their parents. It's a popular story in the main stream media as well. Tough times economically mean that people tend to suffer, sometimes it seems to work although it doesn't work for everyone all the time. I digress - This post isn't about economics, it's about being in a state of abundance.

We need to perceive that this goes beyond economics - the economy is yet another outside force for you to give your power to. Abundance means trust, whereby you give your internal creating power back to the life force its self. You give your spark of life in the things you do, and it connects you and opens you up. It's about giving from your true self, and not just 'doing' from a mental place that seeks reward and safety. That same mental place avoids fear - and is always able to be manipulated into some contracted state.

Abundance is internally powered, and it works during both economic booms and recession. Some people will always thrive, because they act as the hand of the cosmos in making things work for as many people as they can. Abundance works during economic collapse and transition into new economies.


Abundance works without a master plan

Abundance works without money. Abundance just is, and you can choose to be in the flow with it, you can also choose to hold back out of fear.

Abundance is based on connection and giving. Abundance is based on real value. If you offer real value on some level, then you may trust that life will reflect that back to you. It's not about if you're a good or a bad person. It's about if you have a connection to life which is nourishing and fulfilling.

In this sense abundance is also about being vulnerable - vulnerable enough to not have a shipping container of junk in case you need it. You trust that the right resources will be made available, you trust that you don't need to have your own separate house and car or whatever else.

This is the purchased life of separation. This is the mind based identity that wants to own everything 'for its self'.

Can we learn to share again, to open our hearts and share what we have?


The transactional mind frame doesn't seem to work.

Our idea of giving implies that something will be lost. Under scarcity we lose as much as we give, or we expect something in return. It's a conditional transaction - this is what we have been reduced to. We're so scared of the consequences, that our desire for safety has curtailed our freedom and ability to enjoy life.

I suggest spicing it up by giving freely. Give to a homeless person, or some one you know. Give out of emptiness and gratitude. Give to say that you are thankful for everything you have been given. You might not have money and food lying around to give to everyone, but you can always give your time and energy. Most importantly you can give you attention and your smile.

See what subtle change you can sense when you give openly with no expectations. You might find that it feels quite good. You might find yourself drawn into the flow of things. You might also find that something comes back to you when you have forgotten all about trying to take and transact so much - life wants to play with you and it loves to give so much.

Life wants to give to you.

The human situation is that we easily lose sight of everything that comes to us every day. We are the ultimate benefactors, bestowed with this life which constitutes the ultimate opportunity.

Share is a good word, because it implies an overflowing that allows us to share what we have. I can share my resources, my time and my energy, but there is always more to share. Ownership is different to usage and enjoyment. The desire to possess cuts off abundance. This seems to translate to relationships as well.


Ultimate Abundance Accelerator Tools:


Be truly thankful for a few simple things every day, don't underestimate this practice at all.
I slowly brought this practice into my life, and it has started to snowball. For a start I was more mechanically grateful, but at some stage something switched and that gratitude became real and overwhelming. I became truly thankful to be alive. I have also experienced a much higher level of luxury and enjoyment from life.

Being of Service

Discover what service you came into this life to take part in. Doing what makes you feel expansive, naturally puts you into abundance. I feel that people who are having awakenings and moving into the spiritual life naturally start to feel an inclination to service. It makes more and more sense as we get more connected and feel that huge sense of gratitude for our existence.

Giving With an Open Heart

Sharing and giving with no thought at all, just because you are moved to. This will make you feel good and move you into the vibration of abundance.


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Your words resonate deeply. Thanks so much for sharing! Let there be abundance for all

Thank you for your kind comment :)

What an outstanding article. Woah! I could feel something lifting inside of me as I read it. Written in such a good flow. Thank you for sharing your abundance with us. I need to share this article on my Fb page.

Thank you my friend, you're reputation is 33! What a sweet number :)

Two days ago I was 25 :D I tell ya is abundance ;) You're welcome :)

Thank you for this. Great way to get my morning started.

Namaste Bright Star 🌟

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Great article! Recently, when speaking to someone, whether a friend or a cashier at a store, I try to give a compliment about something I like about them. It's a little odd but I feel so many people don't feel valued or recognized. It is crazy how someone's whole face can light up just when you notice something about them or appreciate something about them. I have really enjoyed offering kindness as part of my practice.

I love your suggestion of giving freely, even if it is just a smile! As always, thank you for your article!