Working Hard vs Working Smart

in #life7 years ago


Let's see a show of hands if you have heard "You have to work hard" or "Working hard gets you places"

Well I've worked hard for the last 19 years it's got me in huge debt called a Mortgage and I don't see my kids. After my first child arrived and I never saw him, I began investigating how the rich do what they do (I'm far from rich). I began with the classic Rich Dad Poor Dad which was the eye-opener then read The Creature From Jekyll Island (if you haven't read it, give it a whirl its another eye-opener), this is where I learnt don't keep your money in the bank doing nothing.

I began to investigate how to work smart, basically do something once and get paid over and over, I looked for things that would produce income every month. Seeing as I can code I started making apps, they pretty much look after themselves and pay me every month, ok this is only small amounts but it covers most of the household bills, I invested in crypto which ok is not amazing currently but I can guarantee I'll get a better return on my crypto then my house will give me. My house I have to cut the grass and maintain it which is my time not spent with my family.

Working smart is all about setting goals I'm literally 2% of the goals I'm aiming to achieve I have a long way to go, I'm hoping to get my steemit account as a smart working asset, ok I have to post regularly but its something I'm passionate about so its not a task its fun. Being a slave to the alarm clock 5-6-7 days a week for 10-11-12-13 hours a day plus commute is not something I want to do for the rest on my life and is far from fun retire by 40 is the target and let the assets do the work.

So I'll leave you with this, be like the two in the GIF below, WORK SMART not hard. :)