What to post about? I have no clue...

in #life7 years ago

The world of steemit is both exciting and intimidating at the same time. You join this site after hearing about how you can make money from simply posting about things you love. Let's be honest, while there is great joy in being able to reach even a small community of those who share your interests and appreciate what you have to say, the possibly on monetary reward makes it that much more enticing.

I have always considered the idea of creating my own blog. There have been a few times where I actually found a site, signed up for my own blog page, and then sat there and wondered about what I should blog about. I am one of those who are easily discouraged. It is not a trait that I am proud of. I battle with with my lack of confidence daily and, unfortunately, it usually wins. (Creating this post is apart of today's battle).

So when my sister told me about steemit, I decided to check it out. I get to the first page and I am immediately bombarded by post making hundreds and even some making thousands of dollars. Now, I'm not completely naive. I know that those who make that kind of money have spent the time and effort to create valuable content that people want to read about. They are knowledgeable in areas that other would love to learn more about (confidence hit #1); They live interesting lives that people love to see (hit #2); They are motivating and funny, giving people that daily dose of joy that they need (hit #3). To top it all off, most of them are truly passionate about what the post about. (Another hit)

I won't lie, my main reason for even checking out steemit was the money. I didn't and honestly still don't expect to get rich on this site. But, it would be nice to create a small side income. A little about my finances; I receive just enough from the VA to support myself and 2 kids. That is mainly because I live with my mother and we share the burden of bills. However, That amount I receive doesn't help much with debt. Sadly, the debt is what keeps more money from going into my pocket.

So now that I have confessed my ulterior motive, I would like to state that using steemit for money is NOT what I want. It is simply a bonus. What I want is to be able to find a community where I fit in. I want to find people I relate to and some who relate to me. I want to be able to post content that others enjoy or find interesting. I used to consider myself a hermit, but I'm not really. I am antisocial, but it is not completely by choice. It is mainly because of fear. The amount of things I consider to be wrong with me, make its extremely hard to believe that other will not think as badly as I do or even worse. As I am writing this, I am wondering if the thoughts in this post are as jumbled as the are in my head and if I sound like a bumbling idiot.Untitled3.png

So far I love the idea of steemit. I have been looking around, viewing, voting, and commenting on this I found interesting. That is all fun, but I would also like to be able to share post as well. However, it is hard not to be intimidated by the success of other and I will be constantly wondering if my content worth anything or if I am just wasting time trying to succeed in something I will never be good at. It's the way my mind works. A wonderful symptom of my BPD. I can received all the praise in the world and I will still find ways to tear myself down. Im not looking for praise right now, just explaining how it is for me. I also have an annoying habit of pushing away people how truly care about me, but that's a post for another time... maybe.

So, back to my original question, what do I post about? Ideally it would be fun to just do a daily post on whatever popped into my head. My family can be complex. My BPD, my son's Autism, my daughter's sass, my mother's MS. Then there are our pets... our sweet adorable pets that terrorize the house.Untitled.png

I could write about my gaming adventure's, which are actually kind of limited because some games I just suck at. I love Minecraft and Terraria. I played World of Warcraft for years and also enjoy Diablo and other games like it. My kids love gaming too, but it is hard to play with the three of us all together since they usually end up fighting.Untitled2.png

I mentioned my crafts in a previous post. I like to make a lot of things and I like to write. I love to read, too, and listen to music. I'm hardly a critic, though. I just enjoy songs and stories that take me to a different place.

So I guess I am curious. What do you like to post about and what do you like to read about? This will not really affect what I post about in the future, unless some specifically asks to know more about me. I have to bring this post to a close because my son is convinced he about to die of starvation. Plus, I'm eager to get back to breeding chickens in FoolCraft.

I guess I will continue to post random things until I find my place. I'll try my best not to be discouraged =)


Yeah I am trying to get my son to post also. He loves video games especially Minecraft and Terraria lol. I think he is feeling intimidated as well.
My advice is to post what you like and enjoy. Also get involved in following others. You can do well just by commenting! I gave you a bit of an upvote and hope you will stay positive and keep at it. I followed ya.

Thanks! I think I will end up posting a little nit of everything, But I may focus on posting stories that I write and maybe builds that I do in Minecraft, since I'm mostly playing that right now. I hope your son finds that little bit of courage that it takes.

Funny thing is he is always wanting money. Now all I have to tell him is to get posting lol. I love it.