I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and boxing day. It has been such a busy festive period for me and my family.
Christmas day we went to a restaurant for our Christmas dinner. Which unfortunately turned in to a nightmare as the food was not nice and all the adults ended up with kids portions lol.
Boxing day was good as we went to my parents house with all the kids and we basically had another Christmas day which was awesome!
Now 3 days later its my 44th birthday. Ive bern relaxing this morning so far. We are all out for dinner tonight which will be awesome, as we have al lthe kids too. I have been spoilt so far. The kids made me breakfast and coffee when i got up which was lovely.
Whatever you are up to today, have a great say and be safe!
Brought to you by a proud member of
Need A Vacation? Beautiful Cruiseship , Luxury Ship
Very nice indeed!
Moment Capture on Timeblock , Beautiful as Always
Very cool!
Guest who;s Birthday Today?
Thank you buddy. I really appreciate your support for so long :)
Happy Birthday @phonetix
You received one complimentary reward from @bee-smart
Thanks buddy!
Ah! Buccaneer Ahoy
Happy Birthday @phonetix
Argh Argh!
Thank uou very much
Happy Birthday and Happy Holiday
Happy Birthday @phonetix
We have been busy and we like to help smaller accounts.
Be good , don't forget to follow us.
Our Gang are here to Support and We are Cool
Thank you!
Happy Birthday @phonetix
Best Regards
Whalepower and Team Management
Happy birthday, ledge! Hope you showed those beers.
Thanks alot! Dam right i did lol :)