Well written @mysted. My contribution is based from a management point of view. Success deal more with intrinsic benefit derived from a set of activities.
The factors contributing to success on a individual level are psychological traits inherent in a person. Happiness, passion and devotion towards what you do contribute greatly to success.
Other factors that contribute to success are drive, desire, self esteem, self efficacy, conscientiousness and other personal traits characterizing an individual.
Success is not an act but a habit. “Depending on what they are, our habits will either make us or break us. We become what we repeatedly do.” ― Sean Covey
Haha, I also made a post about habits that can bring you succes in achieving certain goals in life. But these are definetely traits that will help you climb up the social economical ladder. To become a productive member of society.
A thought that I wanted to provoke to readers was, to redefine
. It´s obviously just in what kind of context you put the word. But how you could see succes in an other matter. What really is important for us humans in our time we spend in this world. Kinda to ponder it in a philosofical sense.Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed ;)