An excellent post! I have been conversing with some of my friends lately about some of these issues, specifically about empathy. One shared with us a theory from a book she is reading about conversation. One of the things that stuck out to her was that people who are on social media more and have less in person interaction have less empathy and a harder time reading emotions of others. There really is so much division in the world today, so any tools we can use to start coming together more and understanding that we have more similarities than differences are ones we should definitely explore! I look forward to reading more of your posts about this!
That’s a really good point! It just seems to me like our disagreements are becoming more serious than they’ve ever been. People are picking sides and anger/resentment is at an all time high. I didn’t really think to correlate it with time spent online!
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Come to think of it, I would be really curious how the research differs depending upon where you spend your online time. I think my horizons have opened a lot since being on here because I now interact more with people all over the world, not just those in my small sphere. Though I would still think you need to have a balance between screen time and face time to be well-rounded in your communication skills. Interesting stuff, for sure.