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RE: Sunday Multivitamins | What Love Language Do You Speak?

in #life6 years ago

I remember studying this book for the first time in a human relationships course in college for my psychology major. It was very interesting to learn about, and does really make a lot of sense in many ways. It's one of those areas that can make or break a relationship when two people are speaking different languages. I remember one of my reflections was that I feel like Quality Time is kind of the umbrella that all the others fall into. I think we all want time with loved ones, but that time looks differently depending upon your other top language.

Any guesses what my main language is? It should come as too much of a surprise if you really think about it...😉


Oh that's cool, you guys actually study this in a class. I actually like learning about all these, it helps me see people better though I try not to judge so much. :P 'Judging' is in one of my personality. It's true! Some relationships have two people with VERY BIG different love languages which could cause a lot of misunderstanding in the relationship.

Yours.... is Quality time then acts of service then physical touch?

I loved studying psychology in college. There were a number of courses, especially personality psychology, that really taught me a lot about myself and in turn, other people. Judging is part of mine, as well, so it is a constant challenge to try to remember we are all so different, and one is not better than another!

Good job! Acts of service is actually my highest, as you can probably tell by how much I love cooking for others. I've also always worked in the service industry in some way. I think quality time was second, but physical touch was on the lower end. Though not as low as gifts. Like you said, I'm always grateful for a thoughtful gift, but it doesn't fill me with love as much as someone taking the time to do something nice for me to show they care.

Haha I didn't know you love cooking for others. You gotta cook for me! :) Yay! Now I know you better. Oooo... What's your personality ? I'm an INTJ

One of these days maybe. 😉 I'm ISFJ.

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We click! :D Haha One of these days.... or at steemfest??? :P

You want to know what's kind of funny? My boyfriend and I are exactly opposite! I think it is the case of us complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses. But on the other side of things most of my personal training clients are introverts, so I's are totally my people. ;)