RIP Moeps

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Today, I am skipping my 'Good morning' post. Instead, I will talk to you a little bit about the kitty we just lost.

I've lived with her for many years, in my mum's house. In the end though, she was my mum's kitty. I haven't lived there for quite a few years, so I only saw her during visits. So when my mum called yesterday to tell me she had died, I mostly felt sad for my mum.

Don't get me wrong, I loved that kitty dearly and am very sad to see her go... I was just already used to not seeing her. My mum, she has to get used to that now.

Cat Poes Moeps
Dug up an old photo that best represents her. She was always curled up in way too small boxes.

We did not know her from birth. Instead, she choose us as her family.

See, I grew up with our previous cat. He was about as old as I was, maybe a year older. Eventually, when he was already quite old, he got very sick. So sick, he wasn't able to reach his food to eat it. During that time, this little black/greyish cat sneaked into our home and ate his food! I thought that was so rude and felt sad for our cat, so I wasn't very happy with this newcomer. She was very skittish, so she ran away whenever we got close.

She kept coming back for the food though! Even after we had to put our old cat to rest, she kept coming back for food. My mum had asked around town to find out who's cat this was, but no one knew. She continued feeding her and after a while, she let us come close. Mum eventually took her to the vet to check her out and by then... we had a new cat.

She never went far from home, always staying inside or in the garden. She really enjoyed our company.

These last few years, she had become a really old grandma. She was slow and she didn't go outside a lot anymore. She mainly just slept inside one of her ever changing favorite boxes.

Cat Poes Moeps
In her younger days.

In the end, she was with my mum for 16 years. We think she's lived for about 17 years in total, which is a good age for a cat. She never really had many problems at all and grew up quite healthy and content.

Lately, she didn't eat a lot anymore and this last week, she hardly ate anything. The vet didn't really know what to do. They took her blood, but results would come later this week. They also gave her a pain killer, because maybe her teeth hurt her. Apparently, that wasn't the case. Yesterday, she went into the garden, laid down, and passed away there.

We went to keep my mum company in the evening and helped her bury her in the backyard.

She was definitely a part of the family and it's hard to lose her. That's why I wanted to write a little tribute to her today, instead of my usual 'Good morning' post. I might not feel as bad as my mum must feel right now, but it just didn't feel right to let this go by and happily chat away about my day.

She will be missed!

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Aaah. This made me feel a pang for cats passed in my life. Especially the way she went, i had a similar one. Sorry for you and your mum's little furry loss

Thank you @meesterboom :-)

Yeah, one of my ex's cats died the same way. He stopped eating, but seemed hungry all the time. In the end it was so sad, we had to put him to rest. I'm glad my mum's cat got saved the horrible hunger feeling and she went in her own home on her own time :-)

Yeah it's good when they get to go in their own time. I had to get one of mine put to sleep and I still think about those last moments

Sorry for commenting on your post like this but.. I've never seen any of cats after death. On some level, I wish I could have.

When I was young, we had 4 cats of different ages. When my little brother got allergic to cats, we had to give all cats away, even though I loved them all. Three of them found homes, one of them didn't so my mother had to put it down and it was buried under a tree in our garden. I wasn't very old back then, but I feel like I never processed through this properly as I have a very confused feeling when I think about this.

Two cats found their new home together, however one of them was ran over by a car and I felt bad, especially for the other cat as it lost a friend. If I remember right, I heard it died too after some years, I don't remember why.

The fourth cat, the oldest one, lived the longest. It's still my favorite cat, even though it's dead now already, lucky she died of old age. She lived with an old lady, but the old lady had to go to a surgery so the cat came back to our house for few months so the old lady could recover. My brother (and the rest of us) had moved out so it was ok again, but we saw the cat when we visited my mother. Even after she got back to the old lady, she lived a long life. She too was something like 18 years old when she died.

The problem is, I'm not sure how to think of them as they're dead as it doesn't feel like that. I can't explain it, but sometimes when I think of them, I forget they have passed away. They all have died far from me or without me being present in any way.

Its amazing how attached we can become to pets... they are so part of the family.

This was our cat 'Misty' we had when growing up... he died fighting with another cat on the block.

They definitely are part of the family.

Misty looks beautiful and playful! What a sad way to lose him :-(

I feel sad for your mother too, as it's a real big thing to lose a loved pet. Even though the cat is old and you know that it's time is almost done.

You never choose your cat but the cat chooses you. I do hope your mother can be happy for the time she had with the cat who chose her.

Yeah, she is very sad right now, but she also knew it couldn't last a lot longer. She's happy for the way she passed away and for the life they had together :-)

It's good :) Everybody is allowed to be sad after years of happiness with a cat.

So sad to hear that! Losing a pet is the worst 😪

Thank you, it really is! Atleast she had a good and healthy life. I'm glad she found us :-)

I am sorry for your family's loss. She is clearly lucky to have chosen your family when she was young and had many happy years with all of you.

Thank you very much @bex-dk :-)

She was lucky to live with my mum and we were lucky to have her!

so sad .. she sounds sweet and she went to be in nature to pass over.. she had a good peaceful life. sorry for your loss.

Thank you @rebeccabe, that's very sweet of you :-)

What a beautiful cat. adore!Here is my