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RE: Did Anyone Want To Help? A Resounding Yes From Our Community To Ease A Man's Pain!

in #life7 years ago

I think @davemccoy has shown that the power and value of Steemit doesn't just come from the whales and witnesses, and that we all have the ability and influence to make an impact when we are united in the same cause. I hope that this can inspire all those who want to make a difference or change to keep going and connecting with others who also share the same vision for an even brighter future on Steemit!


That is very kind @plushzilla, but it wasn't me that showed the power and value, it was all of you! The community rallied around the 2 great people that we have all come to know and love. Brian and Lynn have been in our hearts since the day we first met them and it is their story that captivated everyone all along.

I do 100% believe that the way in which the community responded has show that we do have some amazing and wonderful people willing to help on a moments notice. It was amazing to watch people from many different statuses here, jump up and say "I got this".... It made me happy to see all the outpouring of caring and respect for them.

Thank you for the wonderful words as always @plushzilla and have a terrific weekend :)

That may be true, but nothing happens on Steemit without people who are willing to be the first to initiate, and without the right person it is hard to the get momentum and response. I know you don't need to receive any credit for it, but we also want to let other people who are willing to step in your shoes or follow in your footsteps to know that their efforts will not go unnoticed or unacknowledged!