Here is my personal answer for your questions:
1)Yes it does, it's cause and effect, and it results in what our entity has lived through all lives lived through the ages, including this one
Does Karma exist?
If so, does Karma result during this lifetime or the next?
2)Both, there for trough our entity's summed actions through all ages
Are we currently living the life that we have
manifested through our own past actions during this life or a past life?
3)Nothing is random, it may only seem random if we can't really see the whole picture and only if we tend to imagine ourselves being the center of the universe therefore separating ourselves from the One and Only Truth, that we are all One, and One is the Truth and the Truth Is God, or whatever people choose to call it.
Everything around us is connected, if you have "the eyes to see and the ears to hear"
And here's an simple but efficient example:
Naturally you can't grow a plan without soil, but you'll also need water, and even if you have soil and water, you will need also light and heat, and even if you have all of this things you need for a plant to grow, if the soil and water is scarce of essential minerals, insects and microorganisms the plant can't actually grow, or it may but not in the the proper way.
So if we understand and see all this things, then why are we as natural human beings in anyway different from this connected natural chain. Everything is connected to everything, if you look at the stars at night you are lookin at yourself, if you look into the depths of space trillions and trillions of miles "away" your are still looking at yourself, into the depths of consciousness Itself, everything around you is consciousness because you are consciousness / part / cluster of consciousness, each and every one of us represents consciousness as a Whole, as One.
You are every person you ever met, loved, cherished, despised and hated.
For each and every one of us is capable of all this emotions, all of us cry, all of us laugh, all of us have needs.
None of us are truly different from each other, if you have enough empathy for everything around you it's very plain to see and understand all of this things, but this things don't come easy in life, usually they are being gifted to you trough tough years of pain and suffering, because that is the only time a man truly realizes who he really is.
Can you believe in God and also somewhat believe in Karma or are those entirely conflicting beliefs?
Or is everything just random?
I think our soul purpose here in this dimension and really is for us to grow, to be aware, to be conscious.
And to put it simply: To Grow!
The meaning of life is to understand life, to understand life is to understand yourself, if you truly understand yourself, you can understand everything around you.
So the purpose of life is to give life purpose and understanding.
There is great potential in each and everyone of us, but we alone have to be aware of that potential, if we aren't no one can do it for us and it's all lost and no one's to blame for it but our own self.
I will also finish my comments with a video whom I hope will make a difference in one's life and make him see things from a different perspective
Many blessings to you all, enjoy!
Thank you for such an in depth and well thought out answer! You should turn this into a post yourself! Followed!
Thank you @isaria for your encouragement. I made a post about it, I just finished and submitted it. I have mentioned you and your initial post that inspired on writing down that post.
It's been a pleasure!
Added you to my following list.
Thank you one again, many blessings and a great day to you!
Oh cool, I'll check it out!
Following you as well, many blessings to you!