Reflections on turning 26

in #life8 years ago

I haven't written anything in a while. The odd poem here or  there for a girl or two perhaps, a couple dozen book poems. But it's  been a while since I've sat down and opened a vein. But what is there to  write about? Growth. Knowledge, wisdom, compassion, friendship,  adventure, passion, love, experience. Looking in the mirror of the self. It's important  to take note of where you are along your path. Pay attention to where  you are, where you have come from, and where you are going.

It's  important to reflect and compare and plan ahead. Making tiny adjustments  when needed and sometimes completely changing course. Life changes and  you will too. Be open to this and let go to the flow, allow your life to  unfold before you. It's  important to take time to reflect and plan but it has it's time and  place. Don't drown yourself in anguish over what was, or suffocate in  anxiety for what is to come. Be here now and in this moment. There is  nothing to worry about right now as you breath, reading the words on  this screen. It is important to be fully present in the now, because it  is only now when we can make change, when we can take action and change  our course. You have no control over the past or present, let go of them  and worry about this moment.

Try to learn something new  every day, you never know when the information you gather will be of use  to you. Ask questions, and search for answers; Don't listen to just one  voice. Sometimes the things you learn will help you grow, or will  change the way you look at the world. Always check your facts but  remember, people once touted that it was fact that the earth was the  center of the universe. Don't just learn facts and data either, try to  imagine something new; imagine something ridiculous, something  wonderful! Imagine the impossible and the improbable. Art  is important. You need art in your life; the art of others and some sort  of art yourself. Everyone needs a passion, it is crucial you find  yours. Art is beautiful and art makes people beautiful; both on an  individual scale and when you consider people as a whole. Art can affect  the way you feel and think. Art is an outlet for the true soul that you  are, the beautiful river of light beneath your skin. Art comes from the  heart, and from passion, and from love and pain and bitterness and joy  and sorrow and wonder and imagination.

Art is so powerful, the summation  of the human experience. Expressed in unique and ever expanding, always  changing ways; expressing who we are and defining who we are.  Music,  writing, dancing, painting, drawing,  singing, building, sculpting,  photographing, or any other form of art; however you express yourself it  is important that you do. Learn from your past and  remember your experiences, but always remain open. Life will always  surprise you. Be open to change, this is important. You can't fight  change, no matter how hard you try or what you do. You can only prepare  for it, be open to it, and learn from it. You'll come across some things  in life that are a constant, you'll pick them up and never put them  back down. But you'll still change, slowly; and they will change, and  the nature of your relationship will sometimes change even if  temporarily or by a little bit. Accept these things, it will make it all  much easier.  

Your family is important. Even if you don't get along,  love them. Hate them if you must I'm sure your reasons are good but love  them as well. Family matters, some people have lost family and others  may never have even had them. It's disrespectful to these people if you  throw away these relationships that could be healed. Life is hard and  people, even family can be awful but we must remember to forgive. Hate  is toxic. If you can't mend the relationship then learn from it. You can  always learn. Remember your friends, they are as much  your family as those who share your blood. Friends are everything.  Recognize the things they do for you and be grateful; and give to them  without expectation. Appreciate your friends and treat them with love  and respect. Go out of your way for them and show them you care. You  don't have to tell them but be sure they know you love them. Sometimes  when you least expect it people will be taken from you. Be  kind and compassionate to strangers as well, show people more patience  and understanding. I know it's difficult, everyone is a stupid asshole; caring  of only themselves.

Perhaps we can change our perspective on  people. Maybe more people than we realize are decent people just busy or  dealing with some heavy shit or maybe they've never had someone be  considerate towards them. You could open someone's heart; show awful  people kindness as well. Perhaps you'll change their day, and they will  be kinder to the next person they meet, maybe not; it doesn't matter.  The only thing that matters is that you continue on regardless of how  people react, we need more people to be a light in this world. Be  true to yourself, don't lose your identity to anything. Don't wear a  mask and don't try to blend with the crowd, neither one will ever do you  any good. Speak your mind and speak the truth, both are extraordinarily  powerful and rare. You'll move people & touch their hearts. Be full  of passion and spirit, have faith and look for the good in both  situations and people.

Be unique but don't define yourself trying to  stand out. Don't try to be this or that, just allow the true nature of  yourself to be. Seek adventure, go for walks and explore  new places. Discover interesting things and blaze fresh paths. It is  important to be spontaneous sometimes, even if it's only little things.  Take new routes and look in new directions. Expand your horizons and  seek out things that you never noticed or never had in your life. Say  yes more but always know when to say no. Don't be afraid and  don't be  timid, death is coming. Find something in life you are  passionate about, and follow that passion. Use it to set your life on  fire, this is what is truly important. That which draws you by the  heart, the things that call your name. Pursue them despite all odds, and  never let them go. Never let your flame die down or go out but instead  fuel it often, you'll find yourself in it. love. Don't go  hunting for a lover, you'll meet them because you'll have been together  in the heart all along. Let love find and bump into you as you flow with  life's currents. If you find someone and it doesn't work out, don't  fret; it was a learning experience and you should grow from it. You're  just becoming a better 'you' before you find your love. When you find  someone, appreciate them for all that they're worth. Show them often how  much you care and be open with them. Communication and honesty are key.  When you find a lover, above everything else take care of them; be  there for them and give them your love freely. Make time for them and  listen to them and share with them and play and do new things and  explore together and make each others lives more beautiful.

Don't  try to change anybody ever, just let them be who they are and just be  who you are; this applies to lovers, friends, family and strangers. You  can teach people and help them grow but never change who they are. Even  if they are wrong, they must walk their own path. To try and get them to  do otherwise would be frustrating to both parties. Life will change  them, don't worry.  Be more aware of nature. Don't just not litter, but  look up at the clouds and the stars and the moon. If it's overcast, look  around at the trees that give us life. There is always something  beautiful. Be more in-tune with the Earth and be sure to take care of  it. Clean up what you can and be sure to leave no trace. This is the  only Earth we get and mother Gaea has treated us well so far, it's only  fair we return the favor. We are deeply connected with our planet and  nature, we must be sure never to forget this. Have your  own experience and live your own life. Listen to others and consider  what they say but be sure that you build yourself. Incorporate bits and  pieces from everywhere but be true to your own self. Perhaps  most importantly is to love yourself, or to learn to love yourself. You  have to be happy with you who are, because that's who you'll wake up  with for the rest of your life. Take care of yourself, and if you insist  on some bad habits it doesn't mean you still can't be mindful of your  health. Try to minimize the damage done to your body, there is plenty of  unavoidable toxins in our lives already without adding more.

Be informed and be conscious of your health, and what you're doing with  your body. Try to stay active and fit, even if only a little. Reduce  stress in your life & worry less, it's important that you smile and  laugh more. If you aren't happy, figure out why and address the issue.  Doing nothing and waiting wont change anything and it won't help you. Be  kinder and more gentle to yourself, don't always be so over-critical.  People make mistakes and you're no exception, you're still learning and  growing. You are inherently beautiful, recognize and accept this. Show  yourself more compassion and give yourself more reasons to smile. Be  sure to learn & grow, to smile & laugh, to love & forgive,  to play & explore. Follow your heart and shine your light. Help make  the world more beautiful.


Love it, I feel you.