Nothing compares to a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction when you see someone happy and it will be a compliment to you knowing that you are the reason behind their happiness. Our life sometimes need a time for a break, instead of wasting our time for nonsense and stressful things. We need to go out and give ourself a break. Our life had been through a lot of stressful and worst situations and we need to hear ourselves asking to get rid out of that, because it doesn't give us a good result specially to our health at all.

There are lots of ways you can make youself relax and free your mind. You have lots of options and choices that you get from the people around you or from the environment. I am person who loves to spent my time cuddling with my nephews and nieces. I do love to be with them sitting, cuddling and laughing althrough time. I just feel comfortable and relax like you forget tiredness and your stress, it all comes out everytime I spend time with them. I am sure that some of us can relate to this because they also do it this way, just to give themselves a break. Aside from outing or vacations, well this is another ways, so lets not compare this to that. This is just a simple way of giving yourself a break, out from boredom and stress.

One of my favorite things to do is going out, giving myself a glimpse of relaxation and I love to do it in different ways. Aside from going with your friends, why not spending it to your family or to your relatives. I have a cute little niece in our house, she is very energetic and she really wants to play all the time, she wants to get attention from people who get close to her. What I love the most to her is her personality of being a hyper person, she was like game for everything that make her happy. She had a little reason to smile and she always made her mother proud.

So one time that I tried to go out and ride a motorcycle, she presented herself and ask for a ride. It was a pleasure to gave her a ride somewhere, we have so much fun on the road and guess what, it was so hot at that time and she was like nothing feels anything instead she keeps on smiling and ask a lot of questions, that is so hard to answer. You know children often ask lots of questions that sometimes out of this world at is so hard to answer. I understand her curiosity since she is a child. But the mean point of this all is, you brouht smile and happiness to their face indeed and at the same time you forget all the stressful things outside and made your self relax.

There's a lot of ways to get rid out of stressed, problems and pains, you don't need to force yourself to the feel all of those and instead give yourself a break, through any other ways. When you see you self happy and someone that is happy specially you brought it to them, it was such a pleasure and fulfillment. In that way you keep yourself out from negativity surrounds you instead of locking yourself in the room filled with bad vibes. Just always remember options are there, penetrate from it, and keep yourself out free from all bad things. Always give your self a time for one day you will not regret from it. We have our family, our friends and people around us. In that way you just not give benefits to yourself but you created strong bonds to them as well.
cool :)
Thank you
Done following please do as well thanks
Great post! Your cute niece is blessed to have you and your attention!
God bless!
Daddy William
Thank you
very nice
Thank you
great to know that sir! keep making others happy, that will reciprocate as well... steem on!
Thank you for taking time reading this.
You are right there are a lot of things to get rid of stress and one of it is to mingle with little kids and learn from their innocence.
Keep on steeming!
Thank you for taking time reading this..