@dana-varahi, if the UK doesn't want you, you can move to Germany or Hong-Kong....
Moreover, do you believe in Russophobia, all the lies we've heard and everything, what purpose will it serve Russia to invade Poland.
Last i remember, Russia warned Nazi Germany not to invade Poland, which they did and later paid for it through a soviet backlash which ended in Berlin.
Godspeed and Goodluck with your endeavours.
I hope the UK doesn't disturb your stay.
@pope1995 Thank you for reading and commenting.
There is a whole world to choose from out there. I am currently considering moving to Finland. :)
Russophobia is justified given the historical and current record of Russia being an aggressor. That said, there is a lot of misinformation floating around. It's a very complex issue and it's being used to manipulate global politics by many different factions in different ways. A good example is a both American and British government pointing finger at Puttin while making business with him behind the scenes.
Poland was invaded by both Russia and Nazi Germany in 1939. Russia and Germany signed a Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. They had a secret agreement to divide Polish territories between themselves (which happened a few times before). Russian army killed and misplaced at least as many Polish people as the Nazis did during the war. Soviet Invasion of Poland
After the War when the map of Europe was redrawn at Yalta Confernece Stalin promised that there will be free democratic elections in Poland so Britain and USA agreed that a large part of Polish territory will be given to Soviets. The decision was made in secret, without the presence of Polish government. Stalin never honoured his promise of democratic elections and Poland ended up a part of Soviet Bloc against the wishes of its people. It's hard to say how many people died during the communist era and how many were misplaced. According to my family and many others, it was a nightmare to live through.
Why invade? Same as always, natural resources, political power etc. These days a lot of that happens through economy rather than military invasion but that options will always be available. The situation in Ukraine comes to mind.
We have ideas about where we want to move to. This will come out in future blogs. Germany isn't a bad choice. We already have online friends there. But we do have somewhere else in mind as a first preference...