Well, since on the matter that our blogs should be treated by its authors mainly as a primary part of the entertainment bizniz. And that the consumers of our content must be considered as the fundamental vehicle of promotion, publicity, marketing and free dissemination out there in the wild to make our platform grows beyond our boundaries and could be really known by the mass....
About this subject, I guess we have already talked extensively before and therefore you already know my opinion about it. And also, you already have enough comments that focus on this specific bit.
So, now let me focus on something else. };)
I've noticed, over the years, plenty of people joining in on the fun here, but having difficulties breaking out onto the scene. Always feeling small; then giving up.
Yes, I suppose I am another one of those old pompous pricks you are referring to that started many years ago when all this "Social Media" blockchain was just a fertile, promising and still deserted land that invited us to sow our seeds in the hope of seeing large trees grow in our plots that would always bear large and juicy fruits as a reward for our time & efforts.
And yes, in these arduous tasks I am a month older than you digging and sowing around these parts. Since I started way back at the beginning of August of 2016.
But what I really wanted to highlight through this comment, is precisely part of what you indicate in the quote that I have selected above. "having difficulties breaking out onto the scene. Always feeling small; then giving up"
As you can see, I have never given up. And I am still active and daily going on in trying to attract and entertain an audience. And curiously enough, I'm also plainly aware that I succeeded in breaking out onto the scene. But yeah, in my own way and style and clearly on top of the other side of the fence onto the same main scene. };)
Odd enough, I never felt small or big here. I have the hunch that I've always been one of those that you call a Genuine Character prolly well known all over around that never lost his authentic pinkness nor do he ever stop enjoying his frequent and customary soliloquies. So yeah, still a simple entertainer performing his magic acts on the less congested side of the scene. But one who is still kicking and alive enjoying the attempt to make people thinks. Sometimes!
As for the influencers. Yeah, by now many here should already know what exactly they are and what they sound like. Tsk Tsk.

Well it's a good thing I didn't write, "And everyone is the same way."
I haven't strayed away far from my roots here either. As the support base grew I did start putting a lot more effort into my contributions. You won't see a quick, short, social media like shit post out of me anymore. Not grinding daily anymore either.
We're all different animals. I'm like a, go big or go home kinda guy. For a long time, years, I was a big part of the underground scene here. Had fun with it. Still do have fun. Always driven to go further.