We've all heard and probably agreed with the phrase, "it's the journey, not the destination;" but yet so many of us have still placed whole-hearted emphasis on the end result - believing that's what is of value.
In my opinion, what we must understand and always should keep in mind is that these final results are nothing but mirages. Auto fantasies and auto goals to pursue that in many cases are imposed on us from outside. Imposed by an alien consumer's society in permanent competition with one another. And that these 'final results' can and they will change them far away from us within one moment to the next without our consent nor approval.
What we should never lose sight of though, is that such journey is what we'll really need to call experiences, real living and teaching experiences, concrete very vivid experiences. And it is the only thing in control we will always have and we finally will take with us after this very brief earthly journey. Therefore, every and each material final result we accomplish here, we simply will have to abandon it right there where they are at the time of our departure.
It's an easy trap to fall into.
Yep! that's the duty of a consumer's society. Brainwashing you and make you believe constantly through their mainstream mercenary propaganda, advertising and even obsolete, erroneous and wrong education system that the true value is only in the final results. The material results. ¡Their materialistic results!
I've mentioned this couple of sayings many times before everywhere. And as an antidote to try combat everything that stubbornly tries to impose on us this present, current and perpetual consumer's society. I think these sayings are relevant to mention them here once again:
"Richer and happier is not who have more but who need less"
"Once a minimum threshold is reached, richer and happier is the one who needs the least"
Hence, at least on my list, it's wiser to squeeze the experiences's juice along the road and enjoy the journey. ;)
Life each brushstroke added to a canvas, without which there would be no painting - so our actions culminate to create our outcomes.
Beautiful, wise and very accurate metaphor mate!! A great mental picture with which I agree big time and that I couldn't have expressed it better myself. :)