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RE: Soviet Anti-propaganda Lost to us with the USSR has been Discovered

in #life10 months ago

Jewish Ethnicities: Khazars, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Abayudaya, Ethiopian Israelis, Semites, Zionists and few more. After all, it is said that there were 12 the tribes of Israel. ;)

And the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil. Which actually makes that even themselves stay more than confused about who they really are.

I really would have a lot more interesting content to share with you on this topic, but I really don't want to overwhelm you too much. But since you brought up the issue about the Babylonian captivity and the acculturation of their children in an unhealthy way from an early age. I'm going to share this last video with you, which I suspect you will find quite interesting.

It seems modern policing should be competent to rescue these children from such a fate.

¿Greek, Cypriot or Jewish confusion?


Finally, and perhaps just to stay more in tune with the video of Russian origin that you shared with us. Maybe just mention something about Jewish Bolshevism to round out better this long comment.


I am impressed with your depth of knowledge of history. I also appreciate your intention to treat my time gently, although I will point out that I have some agency regarding the matter. I was somewhat surprised by the depth of the anomie between Bolsheviks and Zionazis, having not studied Lenin (most Americans are utterly nescient of his actual work and words, knowing of him only as a scurrilous rabble rouser and usurper of the power of Russian peasantry), nor the vagaries and subtleties of Jewish sectarianism.

I am presently very struck by my ignorance regarding Putin's apparent affinity with Chabad Lubavitch, yet his rise through the Cheka and attainment to the heights of Chekist power suggest he exemplified the USSR's antipathy to Zionazism during that career. For that reason the video I posted creates more questions about Russia than it answers about the USSR. I find it difficult to grasp the fundamental assumptions Soviets, Russians, and Ukrainians were inculcated with during their indoctrinations and the differences between them, and Putin's affiliations only exacerbate that cognitive dissonance as I continue to gain familiarity with the relationship between Rabbinic Talmudism and Judaism affecting Jews, and effecting disparate Jewish societies. I am increasingly left with a growing probability that Putin's personal flaws have been leveraged by Chabad Lubavitch that appears to have compromised his integrity, such as it ever was.