Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #180 ENG/DEU

in #life6 years ago

There is hardly a happier feeling than to feel that you can be something for other people.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran theologian and involved in the resistance against National Socialism.
At the age of 24 he became a private lecturer for Protestant theology in Berlin and also a youth consultant in the predecessor organization of the "World Council of Churches". In 1933 he began to take a public stand against the National Socialist persecution of the Jews. In 1940 he was forbidden to speak and later to write. In 1943 he was arrested and executed two years later on Hitler's orders.

pixabay and wikipedia

Es gibt kaum ein beglückenderes Gefühl, als zu spüren, dass man für andere Menschen etwas sein kann.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer war ein lutherischer Theologe und am Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus beteiligt.
Mit 24 Jahren wurde er Privatdozent für evangelische Theologie in Berlin und außerdem Jugendreferent in der Vorgängerorganisation des „Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen“. 1933 begann er, öffentlich Stellung gegen die nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung zu nehmen. 1940 erteilte man ihm Rede- und später auch Schreibverbot. 1943 wurde er in Haft genommen und nach zwei Jahren auf Befehl Hitlers hingerichtet.


beautiful photography friend,looks is very amazing @positivertag

Thank you very much, @love-peace.

thank you again friend,thank for sharing.

Thank you for reading, my friend.

thank you again friend.

Beautiful picture brother @positivertag

Awesome...my dear friend @positivertag

Thank you very much, @moniroy.

I hope you are well.I wish you happiness forever.
At last your photography thing is awesomeHow are you dear friend @positivertag?

Thank you, my friend. Have a great day and stay positive.

Welcome and yes I will try

Beautiful photography thanks for sharing this post.i like it this post

Good day sir thanks for sharing this post

Wow..Good information about Mr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He was a very good German pastor. Good quote.

Awesome lines by Dietrich Bonhoeffer..
You are right my friend.. Really awesome post...

Nice post & Zitat. Good quote also photography.

Good information and nice quote. I appreciate your nice post.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for reading it, mate.