source: PositiveSynergy
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, "I'm possible"!
-Audrey Hepburn
source: Audrey Hepburn
Attitude and perspective makes all the difference.
If you give yourself to the belief that it is impossible to achieve something, you will give up the hope and stop fighting for it. However, if you believe that whatever you wish to achieve is not impossible, you will have faith and purpose to give it all your heart; and that is what makes all the difference. Some individuals have this sort of optimistic viewpoint to things and their "never say die" attitude keeps them going even in the most difficult and trying of situations. They develop a spirited attitude of never accepting failure.
source: PositiveSynergy
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in you.
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."
-Rabindranath Tagore

It's time Now to reach for the star
That we each within really and truly are.
What it takes to really be a star
Is to Be the real you that you really are.
So remember your Dreams of the Highest Degree
As they are your means to see your true “me”.
Remember your Feelings of your greatest Highs
As your window to your soul to help you realize
Who you Really are through subtle disguise.
Who we really are is in Who we most wish to truly Be
And who our Heart wishes to express so naturally.
It wells up from the infinite depths of Our Heart
Shining the glory of each and every part.
Some other posts I've shared on steemit:
To CHANGE or Not to Change - That is the question.
Don't Tell Me You Can't When I KNOW WHAT IS POSSIBLE!
Why Stellar Lumens (XLM/STR) is One of My Favorite Crypto Currencies
Have an awesome week :)
Follow Me: @positivesynergy
Well said! It is so true that we limit ourselves with only our own beliefs. It can seem like the limits are being imposed from outside us, and truly the conditioning to have these particular beliefs was. But we each face this challenge of choosing our own beliefs no matter which ones were trained into us.
When we share reminders like this post with each other, we help each other do exactly that. Thanks for this great post, and the poem.
We each get to choose to be free
To be true to our own heartfelt “me”
In being the artist who is also the art
Created by our self of the all as just a part
All inside our own YOUniversal me
Where we conceive
Our own "WE Within Me"
And project its perceptions outward to see
On all the other expressions of our One whole We.
I'm going to face a huge project this year.
Thanks for your words, I'm gonna need them !!
Thanks, @viterbo! Me too, actually... I'll try to crank out a few more positive ones like this too.
Wise word indeed... I guess some of us are too comfortable in our bubble that we don't have the need to venture out. Only when a crisis arise, is when one would consider I'm possible or impossible.
In my lifetime I've been through both situations and I believe this is how we learn and be wiser in our choices. We do need people like you with a positive overview in our life and yes, I do agree with @dpl this platform needs your talent and outlook.
Thank you, @zestforlife, for those beautiful words. Just seeing your username always brighten's my day too. And of course these words I share here come through my own battles too... It really is the trying and challenging times which creates character and/or brings us back to our true core character that sometimes we forget in the comfort of our own lives. Have a great day, my friend :)
Agreed. Upvoted. Perspective and attitude can help us move mountains, like faith. Think one step at a time. Give something a try. Be curious like a kid to try something. You can always stop at any time. But give it a try. Just one small step at a time. And then take another step maybe. But don't get lost in thinking about a big mountain. Don't think the mountain is too tall. Just look at just the next step ahead in your life. And if you succeed with a smalls step, party, smile, laugh, journal it, and then repeat that process all over again. Take a break when you need it and give it another shot. Focus.
Well said, @joeyarnoldvn! Thanks for the upvote and additional words of wisdom. Of course all of these words are me mustering up the drive to press on through my own mountain one step forward at a time as well, which is looking more and more like a molehill. Now is a new day and a new step to take today... All the best :)
Yes, keep mustering on.
Thanks. BTW, I decided to do piece out on New World Currency - May 16, 2018? If you get a chance, I'd be curious to know what your thoughts might be on it. Anyway, take care.
Cryptocurrencies are world currencies.
Exactly :)
Great work @positivesynergy!
Keep up the good work man. This platform is empty without you.
Thanks, @dpl! I really appreciate the encouragement too.
Do you yourself believe that nothing is impossible on a daily basis?
Im curious what is your life approach.
I wish :) If I did I would have never attracted all the chaos I experienced in steemit. Sometimes I do that and those are the times everything really goes well and sometimes I don't and that is when I attract the challenges. That's so much what life is all about. It's one of the most ancient truths the wisest of the ancients knew, which much of humanity has lost in our fall into this illusion we call "civilization". So this post is a way of reminding, encouraging and motivating others, as well as myself, to aim for doing just what you ask about - to believe nothing is impossible on a daily basis.
finally I managed to reach replied from over 2 weeks ago! :) yeyeye
read and upvoted :)
You are so much more practical than I am. I tend to vanish up into the stars, whereas you offer people tangible practices. Blessings.
Oh, believe me, I'm just as much a dreamer as you with my head and heart in the stars too, but I guess the practical side, which I used to be really good at decades ago, is one of my bigger lessons I've learned during my few months on steemit.
In fact this weekend is a bit of nostalgia for me, as it is exactly 25 years after I produced and directed what European media called Italy's Woodstock, which was a cancer benefit music festival that attracted over 50,000 people. It really fits this post subject too, because 2 weeks before the festival the mayor of the town asked for a huge bribe. I said NO and somehow moved this huge music festival from one location to another in another town. I remember I was pinging with so much drive I went the 4 days before and 3 days of the festival with only an hour or so of sleep each night. I honestly still don't see how I pulled it off with only a rag-tag group of 20-25 volunteers, which included 5-10 teenagers. It truly was turning what any normal minded person would see as the impossible into I'm POSSIBLE :)
Yeah, I guess too, that when we are younger we don't know some things are impossible so just go ahead and do them. Impressive story. You must speak Italian.
Yeah, it was a far different world then compared to now too. So many barriers and limitations have been placed on the status quo mentality. That's why the Heart that aims high and shoots for the stars is what we need more than ever these days. Yeah, I speak Italian, some Portuguese and bits and pieces of maybe 3 or 4 others. Many of the Latin languages have a lot of cross-over. Just as many of the Germanic languages, with English as the largest, have similarities too.