How awesome, @indigoocean. I always love the way you share so openly who you are and your journey, and it's always very much appreciated. I've had several very similar realizations as well at different times. Then it seems my addiction to adventure sort of draws me back to dive deep head over heals into all the challenges of life all over again, forgetting much of my previous revelations... sometimes it seems as if it's just for the fun of rediscovering and re-membering it all over again and again... :)
I was listening to someone yesterday and was struck differently, yet still similar, by something he was saying of after we die. He mentioned how after we die the soul plays back the entire life, but the thing he emphasized is that we're not only experiencing and observing our self in everything we've done in our lives, but also observing and experiencing the feelings of how our actions affect everybody else too. That context put it in a more profound light to expand my consciousness to consider more often. I though, how cool is that...
That's a fascinating idea indeed! I would actually enjoy such a retrospective, for the most part. I'd say I'd 97% enjoy it and 3% cringe. Though at the time, there would really be no rejection of any of it, just learning and understanding.
I have come to see that sharing my own journey with others in a really honest and open ways is part of why I've been given the ability to analyse my life and see the teaching behind the experiences in a way few people do. I am a born teacher, and I teach through my being a really dedicated student of life. Glad it's a way of taking in new information/insight that you delight in.
My favorite line from your comment is: "... sometimes it seems as if it's just for the fun of rediscovering and re-membering it all over again and again." Yes!
How awesome... You might like this video I'm watching now for the second time today. Well, actually was listening as I do work and loved the topic of it so much I'm watching it with all my attention now, because I love this stuff. I'd be curious what you think of this.